Yesterday morning, around 6:00am, when the doors are still bolted, cars are few and dawn manages to struggle up to an already grey horizon, Scrobs' PC packed up forwever.
In fact it's Mrs Scrobs' PC, as it really is hers, but I use it all the time during the early hours, as it is never turned off, and ready for perusal of the news, messages etc as soon as the Yorkshire Gold hits the spot!
And so, after about eight years, the old thing called in the replacement therapist and Scrobs went back to the old (but younger, as I bought it when I was gainfully employed, if you see what I mean) laptop, to find out where to go today and purchase a replacement.
I thought January was going to be a fruitful month, with first, the good news about the GE still sinking in, the turmoil in all the other parties, the car off the cinder blocks (too much US literature), and generally an easing into a fabulous New Year. But No...
The car is due for major surgery next week instead of last November, the electricity account is totally arse about face, we need even more solid fuel, and several other matters have reared their ugly heads. All this was on the cards before yesterday 6:00am, and now this...
Hey-Ho, Hey-Ho, it's off to Currys we go, and hopefully a new electronic communication machine will be installed by the end of the day!
I usually backed up most stuff, (preferring 'The Cloud' for nearly all my files these days, as my MS Office package is from 2000, so looks a bit bleak), and hopefully I can get the rest of the stuff out of the old machine by taking out the hard disk and using some invaluable software which I bought for this sort of issue years ago, to retrieve the files, but, around 11:30pm last night, I realised that I'd have lost all my internet 'favourites', which really is a bind, as it had the best playlist for Youtube anyone could wish for!
WHOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! That's a bugger in the extreme to say the least!!! I inadvertently packed my back-up discs which are now in our storage place for when we move house but I have some PC sticks which I've used before, so will back-up as soon as my nephew-in-law tells me where I can stick them in an appropriate place so I don't lose my docs, pics, etc.
You're the first Gorgeous Gooser to get a message on the new kit!
I went to Currys in T.Wells this morning, full of dread that we may get sold a pup (as one does), and it was a doddle! Great service and a fabulous new machine - Windows 10 and a whole new world and what an end to the day to see it all running away like a long dog!
Lots of tweaks needed ike getting my name right etc, but here we go...
Oh dear I'm worried now. My laptop is ten years old and I've been hoping this is merely middle-aged for a laptop but somehow I doubt it.
Don't worry yourself Mr H!
Laptops go on for years, but cheapos from bucket shops don't really...
This one cost less that £250.00, and was a doddle to set up, and while I still mourn my old playlist, it was my fault for not saving it as I could have easily done, so I'll just start again!
Just make a save now and again, it costs so little, and you sleep better!
I'm impressed, I need the wife and my little people for stuff like this.....I'm only hands on when I've a hammer in my hand.
Totally agree with the hammer concept, Thud!
Elder Daught is an expert in IT, and I often ring her up with a query, but this time she was away on business, and we were left in some sort of disarray...
I will, however, be able to get the hard disk out and connect it to the new machine, to see what I can salvage, that's not difficult, and also the memory banks can come out as well, and I might even pop those in the new kit when I have less time, but it's not a priority!
I still remember your pics of the fabulous bargeboards you designed for your home, and wished back then that I could be able to do all that without the threat of bloody labour's attempts to ruin my company as well as the country...
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