I suppose I've grown up with June Whitfield. Not in the Biblical sense you understand, but she's always been on the radio, TV, or films and I've always loved her, which now makes her a treasure as far as I'm concerned.
Who can ever forget the "Ooooooh Ron...", from 'Take it from here', which was the first radio show I ever laughed at without understanding most of the jokes, or the glint in her eye in 'Ab Fab'"!
A lady Chum, who used to teach arts and stage at the girls' school told me that in her younger days, she'd worked on the series 'Terry and June', and we all pumped her unmercifully for information on steamy scenes, tantrums, and that sort of thing.
We didn't get a bean - absolutely nothing! She kept her silence on all the rumours, and so we only have the song below to remind us about what really went on...
I used to fancy June Whitfield something chronic. She was especially gorgeous in her twenties.
She's a lovely lady Elecs, and actually very funny as well!
Quite agree about fancying her, I think we all do!
SWMBO and I have just returned from a spot of distant gallivanting - and find long forgotten ancient music on our return! I suspect one must be over 60 to really remember TIFH and all the other brilliant radio comedy shows of the 1950s - Round the Horne, Ray's a Laugh, Navy Lark etc. As I rarely listen to the radio now I have no idea if anything remotely similar is produced nowadays. In fact, the only time I really listen these days is at 35,000 feet on the in-flight comedy channel.
Like you, even on the far distant side of the globe, unable to avoid the gofe - on every telly in every arcade, restaurant, station and store front. Looked like it was a bit breezy up the channel while that was on.
Nasty smash depicted below. We also encountered a couple of similar situations whilst driving round, including a minibus impaled on a motorway divider (facing back the way it had just come, according to the following day's papers, so goodness knows how the driver managed to do that!); and, more interestingly, on a busy motorway, a large truck loaded up to the gills with full Carlsberg bottles lying on its side with glass and booze everywhere. It looked like the driver tried to take the bend a bit too fast and it tipped. Unfortunately the local plod were already on hand to prevent a spot of, er, self service.
You're right about all those progs Reevers.
TIFH was really funny then, and Jimmy Edwards was in his heyday!
Golf is off for the time being thank God, but not the sort of bikists you pointed to below...
Well I'm Miffed! I thought I was you fav. lady thespian Scrobs.
Even if I do have a sneaking admiration for June Whitfield.
Of course, she is 'yonks' older than moi!
And, thank you very much EK...I too, was considered to be absolutely gorgeous in my twenties!
How cruel time can be!
Well you are, you are, Trubes!
(checks pulse rate - OK for now, tips over small glass of Gordons and Collis Brown - whistles tunelessly...
Looks out of window and sees reflection of greying, wizened old man...)
Elecs - beam me up pleeeeease...
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