Elias Sagtrouser was having trouble with his computer recently so he called Eric, the 11 year who lives old next door to the yard, and whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over. Eric clicked a couple of keys, typed a few commands and solved the problem.
As he was walking away, Mr Sagtrouser called after him, 'So Eric, what was wrong'?
Eric replied, 'It was an ID ten T error.'
Now our erstwhile Supplier of Building Requisites to the Needy and Underused didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired - 'An ID ten T error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.'
Eric grinned . . . 'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?
'No,' The perspiring Mr Sagtrouser replied.
'Write it down,' said Eric, 'and I think you'll figure it out.'
So Squire Elias wrote down:
Mr Elias Sagtrouser has cancelled his account because he used to like Eric, the little bastard...
I know how he feels. Perhaps Eric can help with my little problem which is that my mobile phone and my computer refuse to communicate with each other even though both show Blutooth to be active. I have a dongle plugged in which the computer has accepted and recognised, and the various channels on the phone have all also been activated.
What am I missing here?
My business partner had the same problem last week Reevers.
It seems to be a conflict in the protocols which send the messages from your internet box.
I get all my answers from 'Computeractive', where they seem to have enough experts to solve most issues! I bet if you get onto them, they'd have a way round this within a day or so!
Go to this site, register, get on the forums, or check the existing ones and you're away!
Suggest you start in the 'Networking' forum, and failing that, the 'Internet' forum, where there's a recent query similar to yours, by a lady called Margie, on 23rd March!
TQVM Scrobs. I'll go hunting when I get a spare half an hour.
Brilliant! I must remember that one. I used to be that 11 year-old. I am not so good at this stuff nowadays but I am still muggins to most people I know!
Bluetooth is shocking. I had it working perfectly on my machine and then one day it just changed somehow and has never been satisfactory again. Luckily my phone is on the internet so it can communicate with my computer via Timbuktu.
I'll use that :-))
Blues, I thought you may be someone who understands that bit of kit in the corner of the office, and can make it work too!
Don't think Elias Sagtrouser gets the better of me because he doesn't either.
It's because he's the epitome of a business man, shafted by McBruin's charade, and not making my life any easier either. If you were an accountant, (and somewhere in the depths of your posts, you seem to relate to the serious elements of such an august profession...), you'd know that Scrobs Enterprises, thinly disguised as a twerp, is actually a finely honed business.
You'd be right, and then understand that if you read the top of the Blog, I've changed it ever so slightly!
You keep going on my friend, I have a lot of time for your contributions, and am very interested in what you are doing!
Go f'rit Reevers, you can only increase your blood count!
Pips, of course you can; be my guest!
I got it from a chum too so there you are!
Talking of things from mates, this one is currently doing the rounds. Do you think Saggypants Enterprises could knock up something suitable over the weekend?
Begins: An engineer (ex-NASA project director) has what I think is the near perfect solution for airport security!
Here's a solution to all the controversy over full-body scanners at the airports. Have a booth that you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on you.’
It would be a win-win for everyone, and there would be none of this crap about racial profiling and this method would eliminate a long and expensive trial. Justice would be quick and swift..
Case Closed!
Reevers, if you check back to this post, you may notice some similarities...
You're right, it is a very good one. So I altered it just a little...
Yes, sorry Scrobs I had forgotten that one, but I am not known as the resident village idiot for nothing you know!
I shall now go and sit in the corner and eat worms :-{
rvi - is your phone in "discoverable" mode?
Bluetooth really is hit and miss. My Blackberry wouldn't talk to my Macbook, so I got an iPhone.
Then the iPhone wouldn't talk to the bluetooth kit in my car, so I had to change that.
Toys aren't as cheap as they used to be....
Great. I shall be using that one.
Lakes: Many thanks for your (and others')concern. I am very happy to report I have solved the problem and my phone is now communicating with this computer.
wv here: whos abl Blogger at it again!!!
No probs Reevers, it was only for that reason that i altered it.
And that's enough worms, come inside, it's raining...
Thanks Elecs; it's only a simple tale, but that's why understood it...
Lakes and Reevers, this could easily be a post all by itself!
But Skype really is a money saver, and I reckon to talk about two hours a week for free!
I had a similar problem to yours when I kept trying to synchronise an Ipaq to my PC. Then the phone did sync but the Ipaq wouldn't, and so on and so on.
I'm fed up of all this high tech. I don't like using machines smarter than me. You never know what they are thinking
I have those errors and i am paid for this shit...
Scrobs, great post and I like the sound of young Eric! One day though it will all catch up with him too and he'll have to find a small person to help HIM!
Apologies for not responding much but I'm incandescent with rage most days plus being busy work wise which is good in one respect, in others I don't know why I bother as more of what I do earn is taken away from me.
Congrats on becoming Grandad!
Loved the Prog Rock stuff on BBC4, a great channel with Wallender (Swedish version) too. I set about looking at all those weird vinyl discs I had too. I did ahve an EGG album and Hatfield and The North. Dunno why I hated them at the time. King Crimson of couse, but I only ever liked a couple of Tracks. YES - superb too at times and Good Old Rick Wakeman...nutcase. They showed some old Guitar Heroes recently too and there were some great memories on there and a couple of Rock Goes to College progs - including one with Rod Stw=ewart & The FAces which was superb. Great days. Now you can't go and see names like that without spending a small fortune. Saying that a few weeks ago I saw Wilko Johnson and Chaz Jankel at The Memorial Hall in Otford nr Sevenoaks. MArvellous, me and a load of other 50 something blokes. Shame there weren't more there.
Ranter! Howthedevilareyou?
Agree about anger, but if you, like me, get a new MP, this time around, I damn well hope someone gets up on their hind legs and makes sure they're going to toe the line on dosh handouts to MPs.
My business partner regularly goes to see Albert Lee, and Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings. They were in Dartford a while back!
Clapton usually turns up as well as Andy Fairweather-Lowe!
ps did you know that Genesis apparently played at Cranbrook school in their very early years...?
Not many people know that...
Re Genesis I can believe that you know? 'I know what I like' was one of my fave singles of 1974, I'd love to go ands ee The Rythm Kings as I'm a big AF-L fan too.
My MP is now Michael Fallon and he ain't going anywhere, a slithery toad though. Lives in Sevenoaks with his great rail service and still has a London flat. AT least I don't have to suffer Widdecombe's replacement, only a couple of years ago she was a PPC for Labor! Tart!
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