Mr and Mrs Scrobs are utterly delighted to announce that they are now officially Grandparents, due to their YD, aided and abetted by Mr YD, becoming parents to Miss YD’s ED, yesterday morning!
ED is now officially Aunt to Miss YD’s ED, and JRT is somewhere around there as well...
Have you got all that?
The sound of tills ringing in that delightful baby shop in Tenterden will equal any church bells rattling out today! This may well be equalled however, by the continuing popping of corks...
We really need good news like this every now and then!
Scroblene that is fantastic :-) Your face will hurt from all the smiling! How exciting and adorable!
Wow! Population explosion as my niece's daughter also had her first sprog this very morning!
Congrats all round.
You will not believe this, but the wv for this is "heroines" !!!! How does blogger do this?
Congratulations Gramps!
Many many congrats to one and all :-)
I still have a housefull of baby things if YD needs anything.
Aw Lils, somehow I knew you'd ring first! Thanks so much; you know how important this is!
Grins extending further as we speak...!
Reevers, that's great news as well!
Just shows what a good July does for the soul, and one or two other things also!
Lakes, thanks, it'll probably be 'Pa', just waiting for final confirmation...!
Pips, you're so very kind!
You know a little about Tenterden, and they're all dancing in the streets there this evening...
Something about Mrs S and a determined look on her purse...
Thank you Blues, we are still wondering if we'll ever get relief from the headaches which we are due by Tuesday at the earliest!
Scrobs.....congratulations to all involved,very cheering indeed.... it is what its all about hey?
Marvellous news Scrobs, Congrattulations all round. Grandad..or Grandpa, both have a lovely ring to it.
Grandma Scrobs will be 'running ragged' and spending all the Scroblene funds....
Grandma Trubes knows about these things!
We've got two daughters and two Granchildren round later today for Mother's Day celebrations...
Needless to say I'm doing the Roast!
Will raise our glasses to the lovely Scroblene Family.
Thudders, you're absolutely right!
Thanks so much for calling by, you're lucky to find us sober...
Trubes - that's lovely of you to write!
Have a great day yourself, and thanks for even thinking of us on this sort of day!
We can't even go and see the babe, because the hospital have a Norovirus scare, and we're banned...
Charming isn't it!
Anyroadelse, we'll get plenty of visits in later, albeit when YD has recovered (Caesar it was...)!
Blimey, Scrobs, it surprises me they put mums in with every one else, after all they are not sick, they are having babies! Then you could visit :-( You must want to see your girl and your girl's girl so much.
Perhaps you'd better cause a scene. Mr O Blene :-)
Lils, that's a kind thought, and in fact, Mr YD called by out of the blue yesterday and said exacltly that, because YD had to go back down for another spell under the knife, which has delayed things somewhat...
She and Miss YD's ED are absolutely fine now, and we may get a look in tomorrow!
Killers! Howthedevilareyou!
Southend will be shining again tomorrow no doubt! Longest pier, deepest tide an' that...
Just looking through the post, I remembered that they were doing a peal (3 hours ) in Tenterden church when we were there...
Congrats !
You don't look old enough. Not that I've ever seen you. (It seemed like the right thing to say)
Best to you and yours and the new arrival.
(Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I was sure I'd visited more recently.)
No probs Elecs, and many thanks!
At last we've been able to visit her, and I've only just learned a little more about fulfilment...!
Congratulations to you all. In the months/years to come you will find that you and your good lady will become more and more popular with YD and Mr. YD, especially of a Friday and Saturday evening.
Mrs Modo is again with child. We will be taking delivery sometime in early September.
I have aged visibly in the last two years after Chubb No. 1 took up residence here. I imagine by 2012 I may well pas for your own father.
How wonderful! Many congratulations to the whole Scrobs family!!! We want pictures please!! xxxx
Merms, how nice to hear from you, and thanks!
I'm negotiating the official secrets act at present, but may not win this one for pics, although it was an absolutely magical experience yesterday, to hold the little lady!
She's gorgeous, and I'm off to design a rocking horse, a hobby horse, a push chair thing which is similar to the one in the Genesis post here and an electric go-cart for when she wants to do a grand tour of the Turrets in style.
The last one may have to wait a bit, as the wheels (from YD's and ED's pram, which I've kept all these years...), are in the attic, and I'm not sure where...
Modo dear chap!
Thanks so much, and of course, September will be the month for celebrations for which we can all cheer as well!
I've been aching to try and do any sort of work for them, but they just seem to do it all until the job's done...
Mrs S and I used to do that as well though. We'd be up till dark sanding boards etc, out in the garden with only a gallon of homemade elderberry wine to keep out the cold...
Which it did eventually...
Congratulations, that is so cool for all of you.
You must be so chuffed.
Many thanks Tarfers, she'll soon be home thank goodness!
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