Electro-Kevin (? - 2007)
Where have all the flowers gone? (Pete Seeger)
Where are the Good Guys? (Senor Coriolanus Rickadene O’ Blene)
Where are the Prophets? (Fish)
Lilith is most upset about Electro Kevin hanging up his router. I have to agree. A.A.Ayscoughe-Hussey was in (temporary) mourning for the sad loss of Marmaduke, and Babel now requires a passport and an inside leg measurement before you can log on to be told you can’t!
Oliver Gosling retired to Market Harborough, PC Coker is now retired and living near Bognor Regis, and we’ll never hear Legge ring the bells again. The place is becoming quieter; the walls whisper and shuffle from room to room…
So, Lilith, Auntie, Tony, Skyce, Hitch et al, I reckon we need to do something…
Where have all the flowers gone? (Pete Seeger)
Where are the Good Guys? (Senor Coriolanus Rickadene O’ Blene)
Where are the Prophets? (Fish)
Lilith is most upset about Electro Kevin hanging up his router. I have to agree. A.A.Ayscoughe-Hussey was in (temporary) mourning for the sad loss of Marmaduke, and Babel now requires a passport and an inside leg measurement before you can log on to be told you can’t!
Oliver Gosling retired to Market Harborough, PC Coker is now retired and living near Bognor Regis, and we’ll never hear Legge ring the bells again. The place is becoming quieter; the walls whisper and shuffle from room to room…
So, Lilith, Auntie, Tony, Skyce, Hitch et al, I reckon we need to do something…
But whither...?
Some of those were never meant to be Mr Scroblene ... but EK?? Why Lord why!??
There is seems to be a get together over at Lilith's by dearing sir. Still there is no sign yet of my loved brother Keef.
I am in mourning. I don't know where to click now. He left his email address on my blog but that bounced so he seems to have ceased to exist in entirety. Cyberspace is a poorer place.
By the end of next week I shall be the only blogger left!
I'm touched. That's more like it Scrobs.
I am just going to be so busy and Mrs E-K was having a go about my internet addiction - so I just did it, prove to her & prove to me. A bit like going on the wagon.
I'll be back.
If you want a chat.
Like Arnold Schwarzznegger, E-K? Did you know he's my Dad?
I got a cryptic message fom E_k I didn't quite get.
Why has he deleted?
Ok scrobs, I agree with the text of the post, but why show a pic of the Market Harborough Tesco clock to represent such a solemn occasion?
I know your real ID, by the way, you are definitely Richard Briers, replete seedy jumper, mower, moppish hair, sheepish grin, etc.
Mr O'Blene indeed - as if!
p.s. Have a heart - I am going through the hellish cold turkey of 24 hours of mineral water after Thursday night's goings-on.
A bone dry Friday - can't recall one of those for a long while...
Sorry to be late coming back on these; I spent all day at The Kent show, and fell among thieves, well two Estate Agents, (Yes E-K; friends of yours...)! Actually, I got to 77% addiction and fear the worst...
Ed, I'll still be here - promise, it's big B.Day week!...!
Lilith, - just got it after puzzling over why Exkneetrembler was mentioned here...
CbyI...That'e still the conmumd..connund..condru..'problem' we have...!
Tony, - It's Battersea Dogs Home, but I didn't want to offend Mutley, so I put up a rare view taken as if from the eyes of a small terrier!
By coincidence, my Uncle Bill actually built the Tesco in Market Harborough all those years ago - I'd forgotten that!
As for Richard Briers, well, the secret is out, and the similarities do not end there...
1) I also mucked up my back once.
2) I love gardening.
3) We used to survive on homemade wine.
4) I keep jerseys until both elbows have gone through, and they reach to my knees, (the jersey's, not my elbows).
5) I was going to plant a vineyard in my front garden, but couldn't get the right vines, so said sod it.
6) I actually do like Felicity Kendall, the two reasons I explained once before are now invalid. I am allowed!
7) I also like Penelope Keith, especially the bit when she picks runner beans in singles...
So there you have it!
PS, Skyce, if you ever tagged me, could you use these and save me having to do them all again?
Scrobs, put this in your pipe and smoke it
Thanks to Theo Spark via The Ghost of The Hitch
Click on my name for a surprise.
Tony...Well bugger me... I actually enjoyed the link - the likeness is; well; correct...!
Thank you so much, and I hope you have a good Sunday evening looking at that glorious sunset...
I'm in London tomorrow; twice...
Sod it!
So far as I am concerned, Legge's bell-pull can continue dangling silently for all eternity
Now it could be my imagination, but has the world all gone silent?
Afternoon Lucien,
Yes, the world is a quieter place at the moment.
I hope to resume tomorrow!
Squadron Commandant 'Reggie' Oscar Brian Lene
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