‘As the sun beat down’…
Genesis, at Twickenham – Giants in The Cathedral!
What a day!
A long boiling traffic crawl through Wandsworth,
2 enormous Smolensky’s burgers,
Several cooling drinks, and another one…
85,000 aging (and not so aging) enthusiasts,
170,000 arms waving, pointing and clapping,
No rain (under cover in West stand – well planned that Girl),
5 fabulous musicians, giving their all…
A multitude of grey hairs raising on the back of the neck during ‘Cinema show’, (Not as many as Tony Banks, Mike Rutherford, and definitely more luxuriant than Phil Collins; and we all loved them for being there still…)
800million decibels of pure pomp rock power spreading so much goodwill everywhere,
4 very sore hands from all that clapping; two sore throats from knowing lots of the words, four sore feet from stamping and all the walking to and from the town;
One late middle-aged idiot scrabbling around on his hands and knees after breaking his glasses during the customary overhead clapping in ‘Invisible touch’. Did anyone spot someone having an utter panic moment in Block 15? I found the lens a yard away when all the lights went up for a split second…(Jesus he loves me)!
Thank you so much M, it was a fabulous day; you did your Dad proud! This is the picture I promised you! You’re now a blog star!
Update…Glasses mended free – couple of notes to charity!
Another update…If you think this picture was taken yesterday, think again…!
Genesis, at Twickenham – Giants in The Cathedral!
What a day!
A long boiling traffic crawl through Wandsworth,
2 enormous Smolensky’s burgers,
Several cooling drinks, and another one…
85,000 aging (and not so aging) enthusiasts,
170,000 arms waving, pointing and clapping,
No rain (under cover in West stand – well planned that Girl),
5 fabulous musicians, giving their all…
A multitude of grey hairs raising on the back of the neck during ‘Cinema show’, (Not as many as Tony Banks, Mike Rutherford, and definitely more luxuriant than Phil Collins; and we all loved them for being there still…)
800million decibels of pure pomp rock power spreading so much goodwill everywhere,
4 very sore hands from all that clapping; two sore throats from knowing lots of the words, four sore feet from stamping and all the walking to and from the town;
One late middle-aged idiot scrabbling around on his hands and knees after breaking his glasses during the customary overhead clapping in ‘Invisible touch’. Did anyone spot someone having an utter panic moment in Block 15? I found the lens a yard away when all the lights went up for a split second…(Jesus he loves me)!
Thank you so much M, it was a fabulous day; you did your Dad proud! This is the picture I promised you! You’re now a blog star!
Update…Glasses mended free – couple of notes to charity!
Another update…If you think this picture was taken yesterday, think again…!
You, you're just a lawnmower...
Fabulous pic Scroblene, your daughter must be very proud to call you her dad (and I have an inkling she is) ;-)
That is SUCH a lovely picture, Scoblene! Clearly you both still feel the same way about each other.
A lawnmower it is I.T.T.! The one word I hoped to hear yesterday - and I wasn't disappointed!
Lilith; Still a favourite pic - bit of a blurred photograph I'm afraid, but you can see enough...
Delighted to hear that you enjoyed the evening. My Ipod is now full of the Genesis back catalogue and will stay that way for some time, I suspect.
Would I pay to see them again at this sort of price? Damned right, I would; it was a great night.
I did learn that, if you're a few rows back on the pitch and half-cut / half stoned grockles insist on standing up in front of you, a cattle prod would make a useful accessory for your viewing and listening pleasure...
Wos, scrobs - Richard Briers mowing your lawn, and presumably Felicity Kendal attending to your more immediate needs in the summerhouse. I am impressed!
There are those who would mock your taste in attire. Purple V neck and jeans isn't quite 2007 is it?
(BTW in the unlikely chance that anyone who is qualified to state what is "2007" and who is reading this blog, please let us know what "2007" is.)
However, for those of us who disagree with the statement that "the 70's was the decade that taste forgot"
...I know what I like in your wardrobe!
Jonathan...I think you're right! We'd go again - especially if it was Twickenham (for us Southerners), as the sound worked incredibly well. The light show was fantastic too.
Most of the 15-20,000 on the pitch were standing too, which seemed odd to us as it was an all seat day. Cattle prod? Ask Elder Daught how she deals with that situation...
TT and Anon...Yup; it was a Good Life time, no dosh, no change really, but the old Atco rumbled on; and on; and on...We'd just moved in a month before, and the place was a tip! (note the corrugated iron from the previous gardener - definitely not a Borthwick creation!
Glad you enjoyed it - it sounds fab! and the pic is cool too.
That's a very sweet photo Scroblene, you must be a very proud dad. I'm glad you had a good time at the concert.
Anonymous..."2007" is looking like you got in a fight with the laundry/charity shop and it was a draw...
I find the look suits...
..and Felicty, scrobs, tell me about Felicity, was she hot to trot? Come on, man, you're not Mr. A Campbell, stop dodging the point!
TT, Felicity Kendall wasn’t on the radar then. I stopped liking her when she a) did an advert on Radio London, and it was crass, and b) she always called her trousers “trousies”. That’s enough to make anyone want to make a face like a bulldog licking dried piss off a nettle! ‘Summer house’ consisted of five sheds, all in various years of decay, and all leaked!
Lilith, you’re very kind about the ‘Sue Ryder bought on Ebay with Charity’ look! I actually liked that jersey – it was the only one I could wear with a kipper tie under a green tweed jacket in summer!
Now 2007; that really is the dog’s bollocks! Who would have thought that the residents of London would ever see Senator Christiani Rodriguo O’ Blene swaggering around wearing Levis, an open neck collar, and an old suit jacket? Well, Elder Daught for one, but where I often work, it is yer actual uniform…!
So ‘2007’ is to find the purple jersey, dig out the flares, ignore everyone else, and dare them to look at you and call you a total pillock!
TT...Now I know you are in the second flush of youth, but do you remember 'Marriage Lines', which my mentor starred in?
Why don't you ask me about Prunella Scales then eh; eh; eh?
Actually, you've got me worried, as Mrs S has called me Richard Briers on more than one occasion...
I like Felicity more now than I did then. Fine wine - it would feel sacrilegious to open it now though.
Nice photo, Scrobs, and you have obviuosly been a keen gardner for some while (not a jibe at your age BTW)That must have been a useful skill during the war. ;-)
Glad you had a great day - but Genesis can't fail to hit the spot, even on a rainy day.
Don't recall Marriage Lines, maybe, as a child of '65, I was a little too pint-sized at the time.
This is all very tiresome Mr. S. But for some reason there is an old fellow who has a bit of a issue with me. He's spammed me until it's not worth my trouble anymore... plus he was getting others to do likewise. So I am off for good.
It's been very nice knowing you...
Scrobs - I've nuked my blogsite but will stick around.
What, both Electro Kevin AND Ayscoughe-Hussey have vanished?
I missed the whole thing.
P.S. Hello!
Sorry for any inconvenience, but I had to do a little housework. Everything back to normal now…
Scorbs - where's your euology to me ?
You never really cared, did you !
C'mon - be honest, my Pedigree Chum.
You're right! There's nothing here yet, but have you checked all the other crew's posts?
We've all been worried sick and I've frantically been searching everywhere to find out where you've finished up. Lilith even uploaded a picture of a bummery, which I find somewhat informal, but there you go - or went...
When are you coming back anyway?
I'm working on it - promise!
Scrobs, the reason I didn't go was that I was told there wouldn't be as much of the pre-Abacab stuff as usual. Can you tell me what the playlist was?
I left a comment here the other day but it never appeared.
What went wrong? Did you delete it? Don't you like the look of me? Do I have to pay you some money?
Can't remember what it said now as I'm very old and my short term memory is something (but I can't remember what) but I think it would have mentioned Richard Briers, the Genesis concert and my son (in no particular order).
Anyway, I'm not offended and shall continue to read your blog, even though I can't understand a lot of it (or is it the Alzheimers kicking in again?).
Morning Idle,
Sorry to be so late in coming back, it's hell down here...;0)
setlist on this link: -
Morning Chris,
I'm sure nothing has been deleted - only two spam and that's the lot!
You don't owe me any money, but I will just check you site to make sure...!
Please come back when you like, the Genesis concert, Richard Briers and lawnmowers could be a good place to start?
Thanks Scroblene
In fact I have been checking to see if there was an answer but was quite disconcerted to note that, for what seemed quite a long while, you hadn't even posted anything new.
This was worse! Had he checked up on me and didn't want someone of my ilk visiting his blog? Had he vanished like some of the other bloggers mentioned? Had I stumbled upon a Blogger mafiosa? Should I get protection?..... or have counselling?
Now I needn't worry.
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