Monday 12 August 2024


It's been four weeks since my gorgeous wife died.

We had the Senora's final service last Friday, it was a beautiful occasion, with Elder Daught giving a magnificent address, and, when the adrenalin had quietened, we started again at a huge party at our local pub that evening, for which they really did do us proud! All our friends came along, and after they'd gone home, I carried on with my dear neighbours for even more wine and laughter!

The music we had for the celebration is here: - 

'Had to fall in love' - The Moody Blues

'Remembrance' - Schumann

'In Paradisum' - Durufle

'Follow you, follow me'

A day never to be forgotten.


James Higham said...

Lovely, Scrobs, thoughts with you.

The Jannie said...

A fine send off and more memories to keep!

Anonymous said...

Thank you James.

Uncharted waters now, but there for the future - I think...

Anonymous said...

They really are earworms, The J! These pieces are with me all day, but I rather like that!