Monday 15 July 2024

I'm the luckiest man in the world...

My darling wife died last Friday.

For all our married life, she'd had to deal with Type 1 diabetes, and never even murmered about the task of keeping herself balanced and active!

When I first plucked up the courage to ask her out to a party - in fact, it was just a piss-up, a get-together a week after my rugby club had returmed from a tour in Holland, and the others thought we ought to compare notes and find out who made the worst mistakes, who'd 'scored' - that sort of thing...), We immediately bonded in a gorgeous way. We'd been on friendly terms for some years, and in fact, we first met on my birthday at another party in Winchelsea, and she was with an old chum from school back then! We often met up in the pub where her mum and dad worked their socks off to make their place the best pub in Rye, 'The Bell', and when she was at home during college holidays, we'd always sit and chat.

So times went on. There we were, a couple, living and loving, and we were an 'item' from then on! I was going to marry the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and spoken to, and she said that was fine by her! God, I was so lucky being there at a time written in the heavens...!

We raised two beautiful daughters, found our haven in our village, and after retirememt, realised we had so much more time together, and that was just fabulous.

But her diabetic issues surfaced with a vengeance some time ago. On top of all that, she'd only recently been diagnosed with inoperable cancer and she began a decline which she fought daily, sadly having to admit defeat last Friday. 

I'm heartbroken, but know now, that she has no more issues and pain, and that the above picture, taken on the 21st October, 1972, shows how fortunate I was in marrying the most beautiful girl in the world!


A K Haart said...

That's dreadful - I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say but you are right of course - you know now that she has no more issues and pain. Yes you were fortunate, we all are when we click forever, and it is forever.

Scrobs. said...

This so kind of you to comment AK, thank you.

You don't need to say anything, because there's not a lot beyond commiserations etc, and I just wanted to celebrate a wonderful fifty-three year loving marriage!

Luckily, I have a famous daughter supporting me, and she and I can chat for ages about everything, so chums and friends aren't far away. I've had well over a dozen cards already, and the emails are uncountable!

I'll email you when all this has died down, and we can chat normally!

Thany you again!

Chromatistes said...

Your loss is noted, with the sincere tribute to your dear wife. As you said, your daughter is now your rock. I can shed a tear for somebody I never knew.

Sackerson said...

Sorry for your loss, Scobs. Glad you had so many happy years together.

Scrobs. said...

Thank you, Chromatistes.

It's a bit of a bugger, but we're kicking our way through it all!

Scrobs. said...

Scrobs. said...

Thank you, Sackers.

We had well over fifty years together, which were never long enough...

Grandad said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you in this hard time.

The Jannie said...

Best wishes from me. She won't have left as long as you and yours keep a tight grip on the happy memories.

Scrobs. said...

Thank you Grandad.

You're in such a nasty place, and can find the time to tell me this, which is the sort of account which reduces my fears and trepidations to nil!

As we're all saying, you 'Hang in there'!

Scrobs. said...

Thank you TheJ...

Your statement is so thoughtful and kind - I'm going to bottle it!

James Higham said...

Oh Scrobs ... devastated ... no words. I've been quite ill for a week and so had not got around the blogs. Going to put in a prayer.

microdave said...

I've never been married, so it's difficult to know how you must be feeling, but you have my best wishes for the future.

Scrobs. said...

James, thank you so much!

I'm sorry too, that you've been poorly...

We live next to a church, so I may hear it!

Scrobs. said...

Thank you, Microdave.

Feeling? Possibly more thanks now after a few days, that she isn't in pain any more. I'm at the stage when I hear something or read something, and say to myself, 'Oh, I must tell Senora....!

Tammly aka Orde Solomons said...

So sorry to read your announcement Scrobs. Loss of a lovedone is the most painful thing we go through. My thoughts and sympathies are with you at this time.

Scrobs. said...

Thank you, Tammly.

By coincidence, 1t was exactly 57 years ago tomorrow, that I first met my Gal!

Time flies...

James Higham said...

Dreamgirl you lost there but as you say, Scrobs, now out of troubles.

Scrobs. said...

Thank you James.

I'm in a state working out the music for her funeral at the moment, and luckily, little/big dog is here to help...