Scrobs has been making - on and off - our own hooch since the early 1970s. The main reason is of course, the cost of a decent bottle of wine, coupled with the fact that we really do like one particular recipe for a red wine, and it is preferable to some of the more dubious offerings from Waitrose or Tesco.
A few months ago, our homebrew supplier, which is a small family business and gives excellent service, sometimes delivering within twenty-four hours, advertised some new white wine kits. The cost works out at about a quid a bottle, so we bought some.
We both love Aussie Chardonnay, the sauvignon stuff is OK, but doesn't seem to have the finer flavour. A good Chardonnay is also brought out by the California whites which are a real treat! But I've never got to the magic 'oooooh' that means a proper success; until a rare brainwave hit me...
I usually rack off a couple of litres of the Aussie white, and keep it in the fridge as one does. But; the difference is that a dessert spoonful of the nectar depicted above makes a huge difference! It transforms a normal white into something really good, and brings a depth of flavour unknown in the past!
We live in Kent which has several wineries, but they are so darned expensive, and not particularly good either. A bottle may cost anything up to £14, and is not that special, so Chateau Scroblene is the one to go for from now on!
I think this sounds about right but my sister is visiting at the moment and she lives and works in Napa so she lives and breathes wine so I'm going to see what she thinks of this....purest fanatic that she is!
Please may I make a little suggestion regarding your choice of name for your wine? Chateau Scroblene doesn't have quite the right sound or ring for the title that it rightly deserves, so perhaps Chateau du Blene, Vin de la Zia, or Vin au Tombere might be more appropriate?
There is a winery near here in Derbyshire. We've only sampled one bottle of their output but it was so sour we'll never try another. Worse than my dandelion wine.
As I believe your sister has a load more experience in the wine business than I have Thud, I'd welcome any ideas!
Email is 2ndmktx (at) gmail.com if you have a spare year or two...
Goosey, as is expected among royalty, I will bow to your command.
As long as you're down there somewhere when I do eventually get down, a new name with some passion will emerge, believe me!
Mr H, I never really considered that grapes might be a product of The Derby hills and thrills!
I've sampled many a bottle in varous establishments around Derby, but would have thought that you were a bit too far North to get the sugar content...
I do like your beer though - gritty, flavoursome and spot-hitting!
The way my joints are feeling at the moment it will be a wonder if I make it half-way down. Maybe a small sample or several of Turretsina blanc might loosen me up!
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