I used to have nearly all the Rupert Bear annuals, and still have three or four, all lovingly decrepit from being read constantly in the days when animals could talk, and I'd always agree with them!
Only last week, we were strolling through the woods, and I saw what reminded me vividly of a story I'd read (and been frightened by on a few ocasions). It was this picture below: -
...and I have to confess that it immediately reminded me of this story below: -

Who says men never grow up...
I love love love Rupert Bear.
Bt I prefer the story annuals that you feature rather than the more modern versions of Rupert and also Herge's adventures of Tin Tin. I looked for an annual of Tin Tin and the type was so small and blurred it couldn't be read.
Things ain't what they used to be *sigh*
My first hero would have been over 2000 years old by now.
What a shallow child you must have been, Scrobs. Having such veneration for a stuffed toy. Really !
At least my hero was made of flesh ... or so they say...
Titas Pulo. Swordsman of the 13th Legion of Rome. A fighter, a drunk and a womaniser who once spent his entire salary bedding all the whores in Nabo ... and their mothers !
And no - he wasn't a child of the Old Testament. He would have followed Caeser's eagle up Jupiter's arse if it had been demanded of him.
Definitely "smarter than the average bear".
I can no longer recall the detail but I vaguely recall reading somewhere many years ago about how the checked pattern on Rupert's trousers was always drawn in an identical way in every cartoon box. However, not being a particular fan, I never bothered looking to see if that was indeed so.
Oh, I almost forgot - Best regards from Biffo, Yogi and Fred.
There's a raft of new posts over at mine. Hope u can find time to read them as they meander through stuff :-)
He's always been a favourite here Pips, probably politically incorrect nowadays of course, but what the hell, there'd been a war on back then...
I first saw Tin Tin stories in the fifties, and got to like them because a school chum came from Monaco, and could do the accent!
Yes, but when was that Elecs?
I'm talking about when I was three and a half, and my hero at home was probably my Dad, then Mr Binks (see Scrobs passim), then one of the big boys at my sister's school!
I'm not sure my reading capabilities back then would have taken in much else!
Reevers - that's interesting, I'll check and post back on this!
Apart from that, presumably all professional golfers had a Rupert Bear Annual every year to acquire their sartorial 'sense'!
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