This brings a few ROHOBONs (see Scrobs passim)
One night a few months ago, while Mrs S slumbered softly and your correspondent was awake thinking of how to make the next day's crust, there was an interview with Kyle Eastwood on 'Up all night' on Radio 5.
I caught this piece and found it again the next day on the trusty Amstrad 464.
So far, I've missed three TV viewings of the film, and clearly have not grasped the potential for the emotion which was intended in the story.
But the music is so simple, it nearly hurts...
Mighty music. i liked the comment one person made on the track: 'old men declare war while young men go to war.'
It is a bit moody isn't it Pips!
I'm a sucker for that chord sequence, especially where synthesisers begin to accompany the piano.
Am feeling a bit moody myself today. Kindof wistful.
I'm not good enough at musical frames to describe this Pips, but this is a Requiem, Gorecki etc., etc., but much simpler.
I have a favourite playlist on the Ipod (tape version...), and Elder Daught and I 'know' which sequences set us off!
This is one of them.
Actually, Yonger Daught has a set of musical 'throwbacks - no keep 'em', which will reduce her to jelly, and if I'm there as well, we finish up in a heap...
I reckon you understand this.
Japs can be nippy little fuckers.
Damn hard to shoot.
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