Mrs S and I were discussing how stressful driving in the South East is these days. She mostly shops within – say, a 12-mile radius like most people do by car, and usually has a frightening ‘white van’, or ‘boy racer’ story after each trip, and we both cluck at the stupidity of ever getting a car out of the drive; let alone going anywhere.
Then the discussion turned to how everyone copes with having to be in ‘control’ of getting somewhere. I’ve long suspected that as we live in the country, we are really pariahs in the minds of Government, and I’ve stopped driving to London most days as I used to do and stick the Scroboxter in the car park and hop onto a train.
And this is where the stress/control obsession develops.
Mrs S and I now drive much slower to let the yobs get as far as possible in front of us, so they can have their crash out of sight, and we are less up-tight as a result. We are in ‘control’ for the whole time. But it is not a pleasant way to get anywhere now, it is usually a tortuous journey and anxiety on the road becomes more of an issue.
So what about stress/control on trains? You are in much less control; you can’t really do anything if there’s a problem, but at least, if something nasty happens, you are still on terra firma, and will have a good chance of survival. So you have traded ‘control’ for less ‘stress’. And you go faster...
The ultimate travel is flying, where you have absolutely no control, so therefore why be stressed at all? And you go the fastest way possible...
Mind you, I can get up tight about anything trivial, like someone eating an industrial size bag of crisps in my ear, or kids ‘effing and blinding’ without understanding the words, but this isn’t stress; it’s old-gittery…
Yeah you're right about the control thing. I am not relaxed unless I am in control so the only relaxed forms of transport for me are walking or driving. I am good at taking unexpected diversions on both - hopping over dog poo or taking little sidestreets to avoid congestion.
I cannot bear trains as there are OTHER PEOPLE there - and these people might actually sit next to me and try to talk. They are often also loud (using their phone) or bonkers or smelly or too large for their seat (or all of those things) and I then have to spend the journe y in the loo. And loos on trains are not nice.
I am very scared of both flying and cycling! And I don't understand buses at all.
You're in control in a Landrover Defender (lwb).
i have a problem with road rage...really i do...i don't mind being behind someone going the speed limit but tend to duck and weave through traffic to get where i am going...although recently i have taken more to side streets as they are less populated and i can manipulate them better with less aggrevation at other drivers...i love to fly (just wish i could smoke when doing so)...and i love trains but alas i only take them to chicago on the odd time...i don't know why anyone drives in chicago, i imagine it is much the same as london...a nightmare and parking is way too expensive...
however, i do love driving and usually have few if any problems with other cars...it's the semi's who try to edge you off the road when passing them that bothers me...but i usually just swing my back end over the line a little as i go past to get back at them (see i told you it is road rage)...that or the beginning of menopause and i have absolutely no control of my temper...wait...i have never had a lot of control...okay it's just me :)
Unless you're walking, cycling or swimming to your destination, travel is an authentic nightmare.
I've nothing more to say on that topic, really, Scrobs.
It is much worse where you are Scrobs. The further west you go the more likely that everyone will be slowed down by an agricultural vehicle. That's except for the nutters in BMWs, Audis and 4x4s.
This is the most boring post written ... EVER.
Only joking (I read your latest before this one.)
I don't particularly like travelling by train for all the reasons mentioned here. People are often pigs in public. Inconsiderate, loud and rude.
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