Thursday, 20 March 2025

One of the best voices I've ever heard...

It seems ages since I played some music by 'The Carpenters', and as time has moved on, and I'm now without, and missing terribly, Senora O'Blene, I have to revisit my favourite songsters from our past, which is sometimes very difficult.

The other day, YouTube put up a link to Karen Carpenter's piece from years ago, where she shows off her prowess as a fabulous drummer - it's here: -

She was so talented on drums - with a superb bass player and of course, her brother, they made some marvellous music! Some of the best guitar riffs are also here in that fabulous song, 'Goodbye to love' too!

Don't you really miss the days when there was no screeching, thin, weedy voices, squealing inane 'lyrics' to a pretty dire 'beat'?


The Jannie said...

I was a Carpenters fan in the seventies and you're right about the modern dross. "Don't worry, darlin; get your kit off and we'll vocoder the sound so it's the same as every bugger else" is apparently the process these days. "And don't worry, darlin', you can be back to stacking shelves at Lidl in about three months".

Scrobs. said...

Dead correct, TheJ! Occasionally, I have to visit the hospital for a bit of attention, and they have some weird local wireless station on with similar immature squeals and bumps - and that's just the 'blokes'! I take bloody great earphones with me to drown this dross, and it usually works...

Anonymous said...

During my military service, was stuck, with some other blokes, in a really poxy place, then someone with a battery tape player, put this song on. There was complete silence, followed by, "please put that back on" . Karen had the most melodeous, soothing voice I have heard, and became a long-term Carpenters fan, understanding Richard's contributions in the arranging.
I understand that her concern about her weight, leading to her extreme dieting and subsequent heart attack, can be traced to an early report of "Richard Carpenter and his chubby sister, Karen".
If true, I hope that man died of a thousand camel flies infesting his anus.