Scrobs was watching the excellent film last evening, 'The Train', yesterday, with the superb parts played by Burt Lancaster and Paul Scofield. It's a good story, with plenty of suspense and drama and well worth a revisit. The final stages have a background of an engine cooling down, with an unmistakable noise of contracting metal - rather like my old Riley 1.5, but that's a different story! Somehow, that noise adds to the scene as a kind of programme music, there doesn't need to be anything else, and I found it added to the finale in a most unusual way!
Earlier in the day, I was mucking around in the kitchen, and decided to make some bread in the air fryer - a pastime which attracts me more than somewhat, as I'm forever trying to perfect a skill which is taking ages...
While everything was steaming up, my Alexa was playing the fabulous album, 'Aerial', by Kate Bush, and the song 'Joanni' popped up. Now, I love that song, it's one of my all-time favourites, partly because I used to play the whole lot on an ageing MP3 player on the train, and woke up one day, with the unforgettable 'clunk' of the percussion ringing in my ears, and also just in time for me to get ready to get off before I ended up in Hastings!
My theory, which actually needs testing by the ridiculous BBC 'Verify', is that the drum beat was pinched from the final moments of 'The train', and I challenge anyone to disagree...