Tuesday 20 August 2024

The most effective cure for mosquito bites...

I never thought that I would need to advertise this product, which is so well-known, but many friends and colleagues, well a Daughter, have urged me to tell the world of another great attribute to this life-saving ointment!

It works perfectly to alleviate mosquito bites!

It really does, and recently I've been plagued, as most citizens have, by these whining creatures which stab you unmercifully until you want to reach for anything to take away the itch!

The light bulb moment came while scratching furiously while in the shower, and the only stuff I had was calomine, which seems to help, but leaves great pink marks all over the affected parts, and I suddenly remembered this elixir of itching reduction...

So there you have it, a tiny amount gently appled to the bite works almost immediately, and life can return to normal again!


Monday 12 August 2024


It's been four weeks since my gorgeous wife died.

We had the Senora's final service last Friday, it was a beautiful occasion, with Elder Daught giving a magnificent address, and, when the adrenalin had quietened, we started again at a huge party at our local pub that evening, for which they really did do us proud! All our friends came along, and after they'd gone home, I carried on with my dear neighbours for even more wine and laughter!

The music we had for the celebration is here: - 

'Had to fall in love' - The Moody Blues  


'Remembrance' - Schumann


'In Paradisum' - Durufle


'Follow you, follow me'


A day never to be forgotten.