Tuesday 25 July 2023

HP Sauce, the French connection...


No, not the Private Eye column, but still hilarious!

I can still remember my dad laughing hysterically at this fabulous clip from the sixties! Marty Feldman was one of the funniest performers and writers of his time! Once, when Harold Wilson asked him if he was a member of the Labour Party, he replied, " Blimey no, I'm a socialist"!

Back then we didn't have to endure the dull cranks and 'activists' we now have posing as 'comedians', he was way above all that, and was always very, very funny!


A K Haart said...

I always enjoyed Marty Feldman in "Young Frankenstein".


Scrobs. said...

Have to look that one up, AK, as I don't think I've seen it!

Thanks for the tip!

Scrobs. said...

Ha ha ha!

Thanks so much!

James Higham said...

The Bishop on the train being a classic of course.

Scrobs. said...

Forgotten that one, James!


Hilarious, and recognisable comedians like Tim B-T too!