Thursday 14 June 2018

Tinctures today and downey white feathers...

It's Goosey's birthday today, and I'm the first here to wish her a fabulous day with all the luxurious dining, presents and special things she wants!

Happy birthday Angela Snow! With your wit and humour, thoughtful poetry, gardening skills and many other benefits to humanity, I'll look forward to seeing all the photos when you eventually get back to your roost!

(Do lady geese actually roost?)


rvi said...

Tune for Goosey

Scrobs. said...

Gorgeous, Reevers!

Goosey will well know that some other chum on another place, (Hamsters) suddenly realised that trombonists don't actually swallow the slide bit...

I'd forgotten how good Jack Teagarden was, and am racking my brains as to what a favourite piece of his was, back in the sixties!

A K Haart said...

Our family birthdays seem to avoid months beginning with J – January, June and July. Lots in September though, but we know the reason for that.

goosegirl said...

OH WOW! My most supremely, amazing, fabulously brilliant and beautiful birthday keeps on giving me even more surprises as in seeing these kind words here, and it's not over yet because we're having a close friends and family lunch this Sunday. Goosey felt (and was treated) like a princess the whole time, and the Hand and Flowers pub was exceptional in every way, plus I went in a hot tub for the first time. Tell you what though, hats off to Mr Gander who did everything he could to make it special and … wait for it … he even managed to get me one of their drinks mat personally signed by the man himself with the message "Happy 70th birthday Jacqui with love from Tom Kerridge xx" We then had a lovely few days with our rellies down there and it all feels like a dream come true! rvi - I'm desolate that on following your link it didn't work, so I'll have a few more goes then Mr Scrobs will have to sort me out! Anyway, thank you all so much for your well-wishes. xxx

goosegirl said...

I forgot to mention that geese of any gender do not roost as that is only for birds who sleep in trees during the day, whereas geese prefer to partake of various siestas on the ground as and when they feel like it, but with the caveat that should you approach the male during nesting time and thereafter with a bit of feed, best to bring a bit of stout plastic piping with you to avoid getting grabbed by the thigh and having to run the length of the pen with a very hostile and irate gander - an experience which I don't want to have again! Next time I went in with food he tried it again but - ha! I grabbed him high up by the neck and lightly sat on him to show who's master and he never did it again!

rvi said...


I have just left-clicked on the blue line above marked Tune for Goosey in my first post - and it worked perfectly. Have anuvva go. I do hope you like that little chanson.

goosegirl said...

I've just tried it again and hey - it worked! Thank you so much as it really reflects how I'm feeling and I'll be whistling it all day!

goosegirl said...

Re- Hamsters' rather puzzling unfamiliarity with the workings of the trombone, sound is produced when the player's vibrating lips (embouchure) cause the air column inside the instrument to vibrate. Nearly all trombones have a telescoping slide mechanism that varies the length of the instrument to change the pitch. By extending the slide bit alters the length of the air column so lowering the pitch. Any reference to a brassy-haired, pursed-lipped, having to back-slide on his stupid child immigrant internment policy (????? what the hell was he thinking about), all "Hail to the President" who really needs a jolly good enema to get rid of all the s**t he sometimes comes out with is entirely coincidental.