Having had my personal pension slaughtered by the awful Brown in the nineties, and after his continuing financial car crash which then went on to affect my whole business, I was vainly hoping that Osbourne would at least try and balance things in our favour.
That isn't the case, so the next budget I'll really want to see, is one by a UKIP Chancellor, because this lot are just as bad as the Bliar years.
The statistics, calculations, statements, columns of figures etc all hide the fact that people like me and Mrs Scrobs are being utterly screwed, so it's goodbye Conservatives from now on.
I still cannot write a retirement date in my diary, and I'm 65 in a few months time.
Thanks a bunch.
Sad days Scrobs, maybe time to move abroad!
Come and join us, Scrobs. Though it's not the people who have organised themselves private sector pensions the government is after - it's all those unfunded public sectorinas.
If you can't retire you could build one of the new garden cities Cameron is promising. That would be worth putting off retirement.
Scrobs, I don't want to live abroad but if things carry on then I feel it may be best for my family but why should we feel the need to move?
Tuscs! How the devil are you!
Yeah, it was the sort of discussion which many families had back in the early nineties, (of course, you know that) and we were also thinking on the same lines...
Somehow the decision to stay here was the imediate economic one which was spectacularly proved wrong by the last labour lot, by which time it was probably to late.
The damage was done about the time that Equitable Life became victim of Brown and Co's meddling Hats.
I was about 52 then, and weighing up the pros and cons, and went my own way soon after!
Right decision of course, but then they made matters worse, and their policies still lurk around to haunt...
I'd love to build another Letchworth though. Now that was a proper Socialist dream, just made for capitalists, and it worked - maybe because we had more honest politicians back then!
We're still on a learning curve about developing care homes too, not the stinking fleapits mentioned in the redtop rags, but proper retirement villages, and we may have one on the horizon soon - just in time for Mrs S and me to collapse in relief!
I can't ever see it on the cards now Hats, much as I/we love your neck of the woods...
You're right about places like Letchworth though, now that was a real dream, engendered by fair play, and worked by real capital!
I reckon the US has it right where they have all three generations in reasonably close existence, so everyone changes places every thirty years.
Trouble is, over here, the planners are too thick to let that happen, and the legislators are too hidebound to even consider them.
So feckless dross is engineered into a happy society by default, and the whole lot is dragged down a few more points.
Absolutely Thud, but you also have the benefit of a superb summer retreat, and with Vinogirl's gorgeous location, you've achieved the balance - and admirably!
I think I'll stay here, and keep young by digging out my own furrow, because it at least keeps me sane, and no, I don't really wander about grousing all the time, I just hate politicians!
"this lot are just as bad as the Bliar years"
With you completely.
65 in a few months? Still sexy with it though, Scrobs. However I'd rather see you working when you choose and swanning around in Cannes.
Sorry to hear it, Scrobs.
I wouldn't mind if we could see it solving our problems.
The issue is far too much state spending which they dare not cut ...
...so taxation it is.
It could be worse though. You could be 25 and wishing to settle down with your lovely gal and beginning to start your family. Absolutely no prospect of buying a decent home, let alone thinking of retiring before 70 ... and that's if you've even managed to find a job over minimum wage.
Mrs E-K has taken my decision not to upsize rather badly.
I refuse to be made to carry a mortgage into my sixties.
Aw, Kev you've always got Beast :-)
Who's that hunky bloke in Tuscan's avatar? Looks like he should be in a Steven Segal movie.
Thanks for that Elecs!
As usual, you bring a truthful element to the situation!
I think it really goes to show that nobody in the voted-for class, i.e. politicians either local or national, are worthy of making decisions about the welfare of the citizens who vote for them.
Let's face it, there aren't many politicians who have tried to run a business for themselves, or ever really worked in a job like yours.
Perhaps they grow up like that...
I was at school with two Lib Dem MPs, and would never have seen them as potential leaders, although one of them nearly did...
(He is a good chum, but that's by the by...)
I think you might find that that is indeed the Mighty Tuscs Pips...
And if I ever decide that I might move to Italy, he's the first person I'd ring...
Meanwhile, Mrs S and I still reside pretty close to a very well tended allotment and a half!
Might just pop down there for a bit of residual weeding, before the arbitrary tincture at 6.00pm...
Did you vote for them last time?
More fool you.
"Fool me once..." etc etc.
I haven't voted Tory since 1987.
Yup, didn't hear hide nor hair of the UKIP bloke, and we thought Greg Clark would see off the other bleeding hearts anyway.
Now, they're also trying to stuff all the outer boroughs with houses for social overspill from everywhere else in the UK and abroad, so its not a good time to think about the consequences, if you value your sanity...
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