Roll up, roll up everybody - it's time for panto!
Coming to a town near you:-
"Aladdin boots'
Jack Whittington, an impoverished pan cleaner, finds true love with a beast and takes on a bean farm in Wonderland with hilarious results. Cindy gets her night hood, but forgets to wear it, and finishes up being goosed and less than snow white with hilarious results...
With a cast of eight: -
Vince Grass (Narg Sweebling's stepfather's milkman in 'On the buses', 1964)
Victoria Plunge (Violet Pudding's hairdresser's sweeper-up in 'Bless this house' 1948)
Gladys Pilbeam-Wollage (Gloria Lump in the never shown 'Arse about face', 1932).
Three other long-forgotten has-beens from dire trashy soaps, that nobody ever watched without an industrial sack of crisps and a gallon of economy super-strength lager.
Someone who doubles-up as the cleaner in the theatre with hilarious results.
A small beige dog called Colin who steals the show.
Scrobs would like to wish everyone who buys a ticket, a happy and prosperous New Year.
oh no it isn't....
I hope 2012 brings you many good things Scrobs, peace of mind and bumper vegetables included.
Look out behind you!
With best wishes to you and yours for a very healthy and prosperous 2012.
Boo, hiss, he's behind you!
Is that an X-Factor-Strictly-Come-Prancing Buttons in the wings?
I seem to recall a fine panto @ Scotton Pinkney several years back ...
And such a small and lovely 'a' Pips...;0)
All those painted prats chucking packets of crisps at the masses was OK back then, but sorry, it just doesn't work now...
(Sad old git shuffles odd stage left...)
Oh, Nick!
Which one was that; 'Doris in boots' (good for the fantasists - those high, tenuous pvc lengths of sensuous plastic - even leatherette, and shining gently, even wistfully in the aura of the dim gas-light from the sea-side promenade illuminations), or Aladdin (good for the Michael Jackson squealers...)!
Pips - ha ha - try 'off stage' it meakes sense now...
Or not...!
I hate this verbal printing word writing computer stuff when I've had a few tinctures...
(AB FAB'S on in a few minutes TED!)
Very good Scrobs, but you forgot to include the back end of the horse role - suitable for any politician you care to name.
All ye best for ye next 364 days etc ...
aww love the Match.com ad, with thechap at the railway stn playing the Uke? Like that,
Thank you Reevers, I think Basil Brush arrived on stage at Tunbridge Wells in a shopping trolley!
No doubt there was someone small operating the thing curled up inside...
And the very best for the New Year to you as well!
Need a link to that one Pips, there are hundreds...!
Soz can't find one, Scrobs and I'm wondering why my readers seem reluctant to comment on vaginas? Most odd. I've been on a training course which is spookily like working for a living. All good :-)
Happy New Year to you too. Belatedly !
I left you out and am mortified...
Belated HNY an' all that etc etc etc...
Pleased about the course Pps, can't really comment on the other bits, our kid.
Ding dong old chap.
Pips - I hope you're OK. I've been unable to get on your blog for months. Please check your settings. I've also responded by email but you don't seem to be getting my replies.
I've done nothing to alter my settings and everything appears OK. I suspect a glitch your end. Please check.
(Scrobs - May I trouble you to pass this on if you have the means ? Thanks)
Oh yes it is Scrobs...2012,,,
Happy New Year Darlink....He's behind you....Ha ha !
Lots of love,
Lucien! Howthedevilareyou - again!
Definitely rings a bell, your name does...
Consider it done Elecs!
Lovely to hear from you again!
Kindest best wishes to you too!
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