Three rogueish 'painters', who always paid cash, were doing a lash-up job locally, (for cash only again) and would call by first thing in the morning, to collect several gallons of the cheapest paint that Elias sold, white, and in big drums. Sometimes they even bought a paint brush, but not very often...
Elias is a lovely man; a stalwart to the construction business in times when pompous politicians and bankers waste precious resources, and cause great misery to a whole generation of good builders. However, times are tough, and Mr Sagtrouser will sell to anyone, as long as they pay.
Dave Ferret, Wayne Haywain, T-jay Noggis, and one of their brood, were picking up their paint for the day, and paid Meccano in the shop. Meccano is not very bright, in fact, he's as thick as two short planks, and while taking their money, he was also gibbering on his mobile phone to one of his squawking girlfriends, and didn't notice that he'd been given a fiver short.
Nevertheless, T-Jay, who was driving, decided to take the easy way out, rushed out to the waiting car, threw the paint containers in the back seat and drive out of the yard at some speed.
But he didn't see Mr Sandy Bletherington-Carstairs driving carefully into the yard, to buy a few nails for the barge boards on the stables...

I had a gallon can of yellow gloss explode in the back of my car once....leather and gloss don't mix, and yes I am an idiot.
I'm sure I once did a post about not being allowed to take tins of paint on London buses. Now I know why!
Tee hee!
Please see my boarding thread, Scrobs?
As an old boardonian I'd appreciate your reaction x
It's going to happen one day Thudders...
Apparently, they called an ambulance, and the medic wasn't allowed out until she stopped laughing...!
Too true Blues!
I'll check your history for you if you like, or will you do it yourself...!
There is some funny rule isn't there!
Be over asap Pips!
Thanx Scrobs x
The update I can't quite take in myself!
Oh dearie me, what a white wash!
Ha ha!
How ya doing Scrobs?
Hiyaaah Trubes!
Lovely to hear from you - I'm fine thank you!
How's those pins then...?
Pips, what are you on about...;0)
Very well written and great photos.
Was referring to the update to my original boarding post, mentioned near the end of the comments and again in the new post comments. Sorry to be off topic, Scrobs.
Hya again Scrobs, the pins are fine, sadly not as good as they were45 years ago. I've written an up-date on my blog and just about to write another one...get over ther fast before you miss all the daily doings of old Trubie do!
P.S. Whatever has happened to lils, i miss her slant on life, don't you?
Trubes I'm on the case as we speak!
Lovely to hear from you again, and I'm so pleased that you just keep going with all the various bits getting in the way/going wrong sometimes!
We, at The Turrets, have no alternative but to keep going - not blindly, but because there's no alternative at present, so we do just that, have several; snorts of the tinctures, and bless the fact that we're still the right side of the grass!
And yes, I really miss Lils on the patch.
She's one of the funniest people I've ever met, and her comments are also some of the cleverest I've ever read - bar none!
Perhaps she's not on the circuit, and Elbers has given her some thing to keep her quiet about - but I doubt it...'0)
Hope she comes back soon, I miss her.
Thanks for the blog post buddy! Keep them coming...
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