Back in the 1960s, Scrobs was - as quite a few others were, an interested party to all the new songs and rhythms coming from the Beatles.
The first time 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' was played, it was Radio London - 'Big L' which put the whole album on air from start to finish, without interruptions! They were good like that.
That evening, I stayed working late in my office in Rye, doing some building drawing, and borrowed my good chum Ro's radio to hear these latest tracks.
Rosemary and I actually share the same birthday, today, and while she is two years younger than me, there are two more old friends who share the same date, Charlie (one year older), and Maura (one year younger)! We occasionally joined our respective birthday parties into one big celebration, and a good time was always had by all!
Back then, it didn't occur to me that track no 9 would ever be significant...
Happy, Happy Birthday Scrobbers!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Scrobs x
I bet that's been in your head all day! Happy Birthday Scrobster, lots of love from Welly's Mum and Dad xxx
Lils, thank you!
I'll email you with a new load of hilarious words which have recently appeared...!
Awwwwwww Pips, that was a great, gorgeous snog! Thank you so much!
It has, it has Welly's Mumster...!
Still, as we know, there's now going to be a new 'net' on the plot, so you can take over when you get there too...!!
You've been so kind!
Many happy returns.
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