Lils is generating the heat about making tea with a gas kettle, and as I'm on the second week of a tea diet at present, (times are tough, and Corbieres is only for special occasions until the sodding budget settles people down and gets investors off their arses), I'm going through all the various packs of tea we've accumulated over the years.
This morning, there were packs of Snazzos (JS) 'Be good to someone else's wallet' Ceylon, Twinings Darjeeling, Twinings Ceylon, Twinings English Breakfast, Green Tea for when business Partner comes round at 9.00am, Peppermint 'tea' (hmmm), and all of these in various forms, and in the case of one pack, curious decay...
We did a quick lurk round Tesco today, because it has windows, and I like windows in big stores, because you get a glimpse of freedom once in a while, and on a whim, I grabbed one of the above packs while Mrs S wasn't looking.
And I'm hooked.
And they cost just 28p for 80 teabags, and to be honest, I can't tell the difference yet! We'd been paying five times as much before!
So I'm already even deeper into my addiction, hence the report on Lils' post that I'm up to six bigguns a day and counting...
I was going to say "very cosy", but I decided not to.
To paraphrase an old song:
Oh the bloggers may be writing
On their tables in their houses by the sea
But they write no more when the clock strikes 4
'cause Scrobs 'n' Lils have stopped for tea (again).
On the composting thingy, I have just been watching a documentary about kimodo dragons whose saliva apparently contains no fewer than 50-odd varieties of bacteria, several of which will kill in short order. The presenter fellow spread a teaspoonful of same on a largish leg of lamb and in less than three days it was black and hardly existed anymore. Strong stuff which might help speed composting up a bit! Just a suggestion.....
PS: Is Acker still going? I recall seeing him and the Jazzmen at Wimbledon Town Hall in about 1961. They had a wonderful sprung dance floor in those days; don't know if it still exists now though.
I have a quick self kick every time I brew a cuppa at the Towers because the last time I needed a new box of bags I decided to go de luxe with Yorkshire's Finest. And I don't prefer it to Tesco's Red Label one little bit.
Might try the Value next time, to recoup my losses.
As for windows in big stores, none of them round this way. Maybe because the scenery isn't as nice?
Reevers, you should really find a publisher; no real reason why, but it may be something to do on a wet winter evening...;0)
I wonder if there are any of those dragons lurking round here, I could have sworn we had some lamb yesterday, and today it's gorn!
I tried some bacteria-like nemotodes on the garden once, and they're right, they are invisible, and yes, they don't work either.
Re Acker, it was the very man who used to sing "I like a nice cuppa tea with my breakfast etc. etc., as an ad for soemthing like Typhoo or similar, hence the amazing metaphoric interlude - er - recall...
He was quite a nufty clarinet player though, and when 'Stranger on the shore' was at number one, we all thought it would be there forever!
It nearly was...
Blues, that sounds civilised!
I had some Yorkshire Tea given to me by someone who had rented a flat, and didn't want to chuck it out. It was pretty good, but like you say, probably over-rated as Suffolk tea tastes as good as West Midlands tea doesn't it?
Go for the value cheapo stuff, you can always pretend...
As for windows, yes I understand what you say, we were at the Tesco in Hastings which is the size of a young Milton Keynes.
They say that women have more tastebuds per centimetre Scrobs. I wont be taking this advice in a hurry. It would end up on the clematis.
A woman's tastebuds would end up on the clematus, lilith ?
There are speciality books for that kind of stuff. Fnarr fnarr !
Now that is a Michael Caine statement Lils!
Yesterday, we tried the Darjers cooled in the fridge. It's still there, after a small inroad last evening.
I reckon it might still work with some real lemon, because the lemon squeezer has a sell-by date of 1998, so that's perhaps why the taste buds have either scurvy, or as you say, non-existence...
Elecs, this is the book you're thinking of yes?
OK Scrobs, this was actually for Brooke Bond, but you can sing along as I am sure you and your fellow readers will remember it:
I like a nice cup of D in the morning
Just to start the day you see
And at half-past eleven
Well my idea of Heaven
Is a nice cup of D.
I like a nice cup of D with my dinner,
And a nice cup of D with my tea,
And when it’s time for bed,
There’s a lot to be said,
For a nice cup of D.
You can get lots more of this sort of thing: here .
I don't need a publisher while I have you! They say that archives disappear, but the internet is forever. Fame at last! Hhhhackcherly, I went on a course about something or other about 30 years ago - can't remember where, when or what about, but the only thing that stuck in my mind was the presenter's comment to me at the end that "you should have been a journalist". Oddly enough my boss said the same thing to me about 3 weeks later. Hhmm. Trouble with that is/was that I have no inclination to get drunk every night (my real life experience of journalists) - plus, of course, and I am far too trustworthy...
Time for tea :0))
My personal favourites is Bettys of Harrogate Tearoom Blend.
The Tearooms are owned by the same firm who make Yorkshire Tea - Taylors of Harrogate.
I didn't used to drink that much tea, but the new office has a permanent-on boiling water tap and so it takes no time at all to make a mug of industrial-strength tea.
Far too many times a day.
No wonder I'm still wide awake at midnight...
28p? Blimey, must get down to Tesco. Our local store only stocks expensive brands, I have to drive to the next town to a big Tesco to get the own brand and cheaper stuff.
Iceland do great, big, deep pan pepperoni pizzas for £1.
And Sainsburys do Lemon Curd for 20-odd pence. Nice to sandwhich a lemon sponge with runny lemon icing on top.
Reevers, what a list!
I can still hum some of the old ads from around 1957, when we got our first TV.
I'd forgotten the tea ones though, except for the Typhoo one, which still rings out here.
Sad or what!
And by all means publish what you want here, since a few others went across to Bookface, we need as much script and good chat as we can get!
Pips. you gourmet you!
Yup, 28p, and I checked the receipt as well!
And why does Lemon curd get the name 'Lemon Cheese'? Nothing is further from the truth!
Lakes, the idea that tea keeps one awake seems an odd one, because, yeah, I know about all the caffeine etc, but it does sooooothe where coffee does the opposite.
Mind you, we whack the Gold Blend pretty seriously here most mornings...
And Lakes, do Taylors make that toffee in a tin?
"since a few others went across to Bookface"
Or, as one of my colleagues once confused herself with, MyFace.
Lie that Blues!
Yeas ago, there was a TV series, called Doctor Finlay's casebook, and my Uncle always called it 'Bookcase'.
It went downhill from there...
Should have been 'LIKE that' Blues!
Sorry about that!
That book wasn't the one I was thinking of.
Anyway. I bought Tesco own brand curry sauce for 5p. It was really shit but I ate it and then bought some more.
Well hey ! It was 5p !!!
Tea bags can be used at least twice.
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