I'm a great fan of Sudoku, and can usually be found curled up with a good puzzle at odd times, like waiting for 'Auf Wiedersehen Pet' to start. Mrs S is an expert and can spot a 'hidden triple' at eight paces, while I occasionally struggle on the 'naked doubles', so you can see where I'm coming from...
Trains are the best places in which to do these, as the free papers usually have three levels of puzzle, and nowadays, I've graduated to begin on the right hand one, and sweat it out for an hour. The idea is to try and do them without filling in any possible numbers, i.e. to work out and remember each possible number, and eventually complete the nine squares. I do like 'The Times Difficult' book too, but this is getting a bit battered now.
Trouble is, with the combination of the stress of work and incessant phone calls, the stench of pork from our dreadful banks and politicians and the occasional prolonged tincture with business chums, the regime seems to falter somewhat, and the occasional 'so bloody what' attitude surfaces, as the pictured copy of 'Sudoku for Late Middle Aged Idiots' shows...
I like the doggie.
You have a affable personality judging by those doodles.
My doodles are full of spindley trees, jagged edges and boobs.
i do suduko as you know...and find it to be very relaxing...i can always tell when i am too stressed because the puzzle has several marked out numbers on it and that only occurs when i can't think straight...who would have thought suduko could determine stress levels? perhaps i should summit a paper on it to the psychological center for further examination...wonder if i could get paid for that one...lmao
Elecs, it's an ages old doog doodle I've done for years! I used to do it for both Daughts, and got it from someone when I was at school - I think...
Affable...probably yes - thankyou - but only where friends/people here and other new acquaintances are concerned.
I reserve the acidic bile for our politicians which I loathe with no quarter.
What pisses me off is that you don't choose your friends by voting for them, but politicians expect you to admire them.
As for your spindly trees etc, if you're right handed, that shows that you like exerting your authority in the most pleasant sort of way, if you're left handed, then you probably sleep on the left side of the bed...;0)..
Daisers, you must be psychic...
We've just been talking about that, as after a quick sarni, we always sit and do a few squares, while JRT decides who to bother...
Marking numbers (in my Times book), is to be discouraged apparently, as it detracts from the beauty of the puzzle!
I think that's rubbish, as I can stare for hours at a group, and get nowhere, so I fill in the spares until it all clicks.
Mrs S is shrewder, and only fills in a few at a time, which annoys me as she gets results much quicker that way!
I think you should publish a paper on 'Stress - the result of Sudoku, and it's effect on the window as you hurl the book across the room when you get two sevens in the same box...Discuss...'!!!
I also think that we should all make up new names for each instance where a number is placed correctly.
I'll open the bidding with 'Creeper' - a number which just appears to be right, and you have no rationale for it being right, but when you check the answers in the back you are right...'!
Isn't that The Sun Sudoku?
Calfers - funny you say that, but I have in the roof a copy of a book called 'Not 1987, (NTNo'CN) in which there's a Sun crossword spoof. I've always wanted to scan it and share it here, as it's hilarious!
If I can find it you'll have yet another dedication soon...!
Sorry, Scrobs, can't agree with you on this one...Sudoko is a no-no down here in Devon..
What IS fun, though, is to race through the Sudoko page when on the train, say, and just fill in random numbers while appearing to give the problem high-speed intelligent thought. Watch your poor fellows struggling manfully..or womanfully ...and then leave your completed page in view...watch their jaws drop and, then, their brows knit in bewilderment. Look smug and doze...Apricot Fox speaking..but forgot to sign in so having probs...
I prefer crosswords - when I lived in Frankfurt I was always challenged to finish the Guardian on the way to work on the u-bahn. I guess i did it about 10 times in 7 years....
Apricers - that's just unfair and CHEATING!!!
And a very good way to get people talking too...
Admittedly Mutters, The Grauniad crossword is pretty difficult, I tried to do the same with 'The Times' - only it would take me all day.
The Telegraph was easier, and I'm still hoping to find the one for Calfy somewhere in the roof...
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