Now, I’m not the sort of bloke who really minds this sort of behaviour; live and let live is my motto, but this story was a real eye-opener!
A few weeks ago, an old chum returned from a lengthy business trip, and it was obvious that he had partaken of several portions of good living, in fact, he’d done the lot – several times over, and with some pretty dubious people.
On his return, he began to feel pretty poorly, and went to see his Doctor. After a long examination, and a few searching questions, the doc told him to sit down and listen carefully.
‘From what you’ve told me, and having had a good look around’, said the Doc, ‘in my opinion, you have acquired a serious case of ‘GASH’.’
‘Hellfire,’ said my chum, squirming in his chair, ‘that sounds pretty bad; what is it’?
‘It’s short for Gonneroids, Anerobic Syphillides and Herpestilence’, said his Doctor.
‘Hmmmmm, nasty, is there any cure’? Said my worried chum.
‘Yup’; said his Doctor, ‘you need to be kept in complete isolation for a year, and you have to be fed on crisp bread and thin cheese slices’.
‘The isolation I can understand’, said my chum, ‘but why the special diet’?
‘Because it’s the only food we can slide under the door’, said the Doctor ;0)
Ha ha Scrobs. That`s very funny. Made me chuckle.
good one scroblene...
Yeah !
Haw haw !
Seriously. A friend of mine (now a detective super) went on holiday to Spain and got drunk every night.
He returned home with a terrible willy rash. It turned out that this rash was caused by cactus milk when he'd got drunk and wrecked the hotel garden before pissing all over it.
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