Watching the service from The Cenotaph on TV today caused the cynic in me to consider that all the people jostling in the queue to place wreaths and stare intently at the stonework, were closely related to the very people who started most of the wars and conflicts in the first place.
Why on earth we should be grateful for their patronage, God only knows.
As for the pasty faced politicians getting in on the act, well they just wallow in reflected sorrow, oblivious to how much anguish they continue to cause in war - and peace.
Never, never, never.
And let's remind ourselves of how many of the current government have ever done any military service?
Absolutely Lakes!
Seeing Gordon Brown's smug-ugly face this morning caused a requirement for a large intake of gin to relax the muscles which were poised to break the screen into a million pieces...
My old Housemaster was a personal friend of Airey Neave, who was a fighter and a big man who would have single-handedly taken on all the pathetic bunch we have wasting our money these days.
When Neave was bombed, my first thought was 'Has anyone told Rex...'.
exactly lakelander...which is one reason obama was such a poor choice as a leader of the US...he has never gave anything for his country, just reaped the benefits...how can one possibly be the chief of a military when they have never given a day in service...how can they possibly understand how to make decisions without prior knowledge of the ramifications?
The gentleman who taught me French at Prep School had a pair of prosthetic arms.
His arms had been blown off when he threw himself onto a grenade during a training accident in WW2.
We all knew about this, though he never mentioned it or even acknowledged his disability.
Nor, in the Upper School, when our CCF would go to the chapel on Remembrance Sunday, would he wear the medals we all knew he had been awarded.
His generation was so very, very different to the ones that have followed.
I was trying to say something similar over at Blues but clearly I was too angry.
"Every man thinks meanly about himself for not having been a soldier".
Except modern politicians.
WS Churchill laid a few wreaths there in his time, Scrobs. I hope you didn't mean him, or a few others I could mention.
I went to a memorial service at a local war memorial.. it was rather moving as always. A lot of y Alloted Span writing is based on my associations and friendships with people of that generation...
Morning Daisers - hope your trip went well, I seem to missed seeing everyone during the last week or so...
Lakes, that's an incredible tale. Clearly a man to listen to.
Pips, (still going to join yer...), angry is the word isn't it, but Iders makes a point below.
Iders, you're right of course, and there are also many real armed forces men and women who deserve to be there first as well.
Perhaps its a time now when there just aren't any fighting men and women who waste their time being politicians, they've got better things to do.
And yes, there are undoubtedly a few others but they seem to be pushed aside by 'important' people.
It's a good place to listen and learn there isn't it Mutters.
I was humbled by the shear physical presence of one immaculately turned out soldier, whom I remember being taught by Mrs S all those years ago...
I have always been "anti war" (who isn't, in their right mind) and a pacifist. That is mainly because I CANT BEAR all those young lives being sacrificed. It tears at my guts. They are nearly all gone now, the fighters of WW2 as the rest of us, flabby and fearful, sleepwalk into a European Socialist Superstate and the Germans and French take charge anyway.
Arrur lenth ewer, oney lenth day, oney lenth merth poo-owl Chaffey mern sertin o'er clarter troin er mewv hisszen. O nern agney assan nern cozay. Still kept Oi kwyert, gorda shew respek henyew.
As always, excellent comments from all your visitors. I have nothing to add except to point you in the direction of Dale's Diary where a huge Beeb booboo is shown;
and let you know that the word verification for this box is....
(who in my opinion should have been banned from the Cenotaph)
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