I don't really have a worthy position on this post, but in spirit, I'm with Old Holborn for his show today.
Being a late middle-aged idiot doesn't let me to get into too many more scrapes these days - mainly because it's bad enough trying to carve out a living under the Gordon Brownista Stalinista Disaster. We were due for; and took, an eye-watering hit today at the meeting I had to attend; right at the time all the good folk from his Blog were wandering away from Trafalgar Square...
So what happened? I even went to The Chandos, (a great pub BTW - home to several long and lucid discussions in the past and easy to aim for Charing Cross Station, as long as nobody treads on your fingers crossing The Strand...) at 10.15am, just in case I could spot someone who looked like his pic - no chance there although someone looking vaguely similar was wandering about, but he caught a taxi and was away!
So I had my disastrous meeting, and a few post-buggeration sherberts, and after a bit of self denial, revisited The Chandos around 3.45pm.
Sadly, there were no masks, several people looking like interesting drinkers, but no Old Holborn lookalikes and certainly nobody able to challenge the Magnificence (Prat version) of Downing Street.
Sorry Holbers, I really couldn't get there, but thanks to you and Guido, the case has been made. Well done that Man and everyone who ventured forth!
Bugger, I was looking forward to a pint about then too...
you should have said you were going to be about I would have joined you! I couldn't go to Traf Square at midday either!
Many thanks
As Asda says
Every little helps
HA! Word Veri: Moneses
OH: My granny used to say that when I was a kid at the seaside and needed a pee.
"Go in the sea", she said, "every little helps".
She has been dead now for the better part of 50 years, but some things just stay with you for life.
Hope your bunions are not playing up this morning. Well done to you and the gang.
PS: Nice little vid you recommend too.
word ver: banteri (This is getting too close for comfort now!)
Scroblene darling, could you tell Doris that there's a special aromatherapy and healing session in the village hall...I really think she could do with it.
Buntz xxx
i kind of feel like that poster today...
Hear hear, Scrobs.
It was a cunning stunt.
Never mind old man...
Blues - Next time; the Chancdos is a good after work boozer...!
Thank you Olders. I felt a bit daft hanging around a pub at 10.15am, but then there's always a chance of a scoop...
RVI - polluter...!
Bunts, I'll tell her, I think they've all gone off somewhere; I'll whistle...;0)
Daisers, I only realised it was also on Theo Spark last week, I'd been sent it by a chum...
So H/T TS...
Elecs - they did well didn't they.
BTW, look at Barnsley Bill's post today, he's got a cracking comment on about Liebour!
Mutters - I won't then...
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