Saturday 23 January 2021

The Enid - live at Hammersmith Odeon - 1979...


D3 has just told me about this performance, and it is just stunning - especially at 5.15am, as I was wide awake, and JRT wanted to go out!

I missed out on a lot of good music around 1979, as family members were unwell, and work was too  good, but time-consuming, the girls were very young and I had to be away a lot...

'Pomp Rock' has always been foremost here, (I even got bollocked by Tuscan Tony for not knowing much about early Pink Floyd, and preferred some of the later stuff), but hopefully, there'll be a few more from D3 from around then, and I'll get up early for those as well!


Tuesday 12 January 2021

Shed music and other considerations for good friends...

I have a decent selection of all my old cassettes in a box in our shed The old double-player is tied to the roof, over the door, with pencilled instructions on FF, Play etc!

This week's preferred tape is this one...

Hellfire, it's over 40 years old! 

And, to welcome one of my favourite chums back to the blog, here's a special one for Lilith and Elby!