We went by bus, as 1) we intended to enjoy a meal in the new Strada Restaurant, (it was good, very good), and 2) I can use my new bus pass, but 3) the standard issue 'nutter' sat next to us on the way home and kept listening in...
For some reason I forgot my mobile too, and had a work-free break too!
So we've now got a new television on the way, I've got some of those earphones which block out every other sound known to man, and ensure that the common screeching and nasty accents on the train don't interfere with 'Freebird' in any way, and we've walked off several glasses of Pinot into the bargain...
Also, I want to share this gem with everyone.
A good chum is a self confessed petrolhead, and when I was invited to the Goodwood Festival of Speed last Friday, I couldn't go as I had already been invited to The Kent Show. So I got the invite 'transferred' to him and he had a great time looking at all the cars, discussing fast things with anyone who bothered to listen, and was also active with his camera...
The picture below arrived yesterday, and captures the future world champion in characteristic position!
My chum has decided to continue his day job...
A new TV?? Check outside to see if the mythical detector van has arrived yet.
Sounds like you had a very productive (but expensive) bus ride!
PS: Forgot to add Many Happy Returns.
Is that ET in his new convertible?
Grumpers, I'm afraid that i need the TV on to get to sleep in the evenings...
BTW, can I use the bus pass in London at all? Mixed answers I'm getting.
(Just looked out, no van, but Mrs S is digging carrots...)
Ha ha ha Iders - we think it is a classic pic, which will dog him for years to come (Lewis that is, not my chum...)!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Scrobs!
I wish I had a quid for every bad photo I've taken...
Scrobs: re bus pass, don't know. Suggest you try it next time you are up in the smoke - if you get arrested for attempted theft of a public ride or similar, you will have your answer!
Ha ha ha Killers...actually, my chum told me later that Lewis Hamilton went up in everyone's estimation, by spending a very long time signing autographs for anyone who wanted one!
Hopefully, his gear-changing hand will not be affected by all that strenuous writing...
Thank you Lakers - and GG earlier.
I like taking loads of pics when just wandering about. When we were on hols recently, I did the rounds on one day with JRT, (admittedly still enjoying the effects of a sevarl pints of Black Sheep Ale), and the Nikon was buzzing.
When I got them downloaded,(the pics, not the pints of Black Sheep Ale), half of them were just blurs of the kerb, or a hedge or something insignificant, and not what I recalled photographing.
It took me several minutes to realise that during the small delay in pressing the button, and the actual pic being taken, I was moving the camera-holding arm swiftly to a position where
1) balance/equilibrium was restored,
2) circulation in said arm could continue unabated...
Thank you GG - it will surely be headlines in one of the dreadful freebies won't it...
'Old fart tries it on with Gritney Blears - gets chucked off bus at Clapham' - Metro
'Balls Bros shares leap for eighteenth successive month after Bus Pass Warrior Mr O'Blene, retains title for longest session before the free ride from St James' to Charing Cross' - City A.M.
happy birthday to you scroblene...a day late and a dollar short, so they say...but it is better late than never eh? glad you and the mrs had such a good day...it must have been a great relax for you...least it sounded like it...you have to take those when you can get them and good for mrs to know when...
"I like taking loads of pics when just wandering about."
Steady....you'll have the Community Enforcement Officers after you.
A very very very happy belated birthday to you Scrobs.xx
Daisers - thank you vare vare much!
It was a good day - Elder Daught gave me some super software which lets you record all the old tapes (see old post), onto the PC and then the Ipod.
So far, I've totally mucked up 'The Wall', (Pink Floyd), but have got a great recording of 'Union', (Yes)!
But, I found where I was going wrong thankfully, so 'Floyd' can ring true without glitches very soon...
Lis - thankyou!
Pics did include the odd sheep - do they count?
Happy Birthday Scrobbles my friend.Have a wonderful day.
Sincere belated birthday wishes, Scrobs. Sorry it wasn't on the day but I hope you had a lovely birthday. Many happy returns xxx
Pips and Trubes - yer lovely and many thanks.
I'm going to count backwards from now on...
Star that you are Killers - thankyou!
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