Monday 8 July 2013

Boris Sagtrouser speaks the truth...

Here it is, straight from the horse' mouth...


rvi said...

With high speed broadband, email, video links and Skype available, it remains unclear to me why anybody would actually want to get to Birmingham in such a hurry - and for only about 100 billion quid (by the time the last bolt is fixed).

Now, the high speed link going south/east to Europe makes a lot of sense, especially for those wishing to get out without further delay.

electro-kevin said...

HS2 is bonkers. We don't need it.

That money could go into far more useful infrastructure projects.

Anonymous said...

Love Boris. Nail, head.

Not that we need HS2, I'm in agreement with Reevers and Kev. Especially Reevers - I'd leave tommorow.

said Pip

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Reevers, It smacks of having national identities further North than London, therefore, (vis BBC), there must be a super expensive train to get everyone there.

Like the Dome, and other white elephants, you and me pick up the tab for a politician's shriek.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Absolutely, Elecs! Utter waste of money!

I'd love to see Boris Island go ahead, Heathrow is the pits now.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Who's nail, what head, Pips?

Don't go yet anyway!