A few years ago, (just about now) when both Daughts were living at 'The Turrets', there were the usual discussions about films, programmes, life in general etc., and because our lovely girls were both well towards adulthood, I found the discussions enlightening and informative.
To be honest, I learned an awful lot from our two lovely Daughts.
When 'Philadelphia' (the film) came out in the early nineties, my dear old Mum was becoming embraced in the realms of Alzheimers, and was safely and softly planted in a pleasant home in Hastings. It was a difficult time for everyone, including my Dad, who wasn't well either. We were all in limbo for several months.
I can easily remember listening to this on one particular drive over to Canterbury, where I worked, while I was coming off the M2 onto the A2 down towards the city. This song on the radio was Bruce Springstein's seminal theme song from the film, and I remember feeling utterly miserable on hearing those first enigmatic major/minor chords, with the simple drum beat in the background.
It really hurt - oh yes, it did...
And so, later on, I watched the film at home with both Daughts, and they explained exactly what was going on. And I mean exactly, i.e. why the story in the film was so important.
And I learned some more from our Daughts, some more news of the present world, which I'd probably been ignoring so I could focus on what we all wanted as a family; like holidays, gardens, money...
So then, I bought the music from the film (still broke, last recession biting hard; got it from Cranbrook Library when they sold off all their old tapes; cost me a quid...) and it is now safely in my shed with Younger Daught's old tape player, so I can listen to great music like this to my heart's content, while making the rocking horse for GD.
If ever there was an incredibly powerful soundtrack to any film, then this one must be up there with the best of them. It is totally absorbing, and means an awful lot to an ageing Scrobs. There are several other songs on the soundtrack, and if anyone wants to ask me, then I'll provide the links, because one particular intro just melts...
Once again "the upholder has not made this link available in your country".
I'm begining to feel like I live in uncharted boondocks. I'll drop a message in the next passing bottle for you.
yes it was a good film.
But I'm a bit fed up with all things homosexual to be honest. It seems to be terribly fashionable these days, as if it wasn't bad enough seeing half a ton of married men in a 'gay club'. Now people stage kiss-ins, or try to, because a homosexual couple was asked not to in a pub. There were protests when a Duchess decided to close her private garden to the public when it was being used as a venue for homosexual casual sex, and drug taking.
I'm so sorry Reevers, just Youtube the main theme from the film, and you'll probably get the one with Springstein walking around in a pretty dire place...
If it's any consoloation, my Ipod's packed up, so I have to listen to the radio these days!
Pips, I wasn't actually thinking about the gay scene, it was because all us red-blooded males were still chortling about aids back then, and the film's story actually hit home pretty quickly!
The Daughts just explained their viewpoint, and we watched some more, and I realised how right they were (are), and that taught me a few lessons as well!
They do that, Daughts do...
Ah, see your point, Scrobs. Yes.
Some daughts don't get that opportunity. They have been brought up never to say such things, never to disagree, never to oppose, say a bad word, 'explain', all that.
I think you must be a good parent, Scrobs x
... not seen it Scrobs, and now that I think on it neither have I seen Broke Back Mountain... or that one that Tom Ford made with Colin whassisname... I begin to wonder if secretly, deep down I might have an issue.
I did see five minutes of The Adventure of Iron Pussy some years back. (Enhancing the retro look and feel of the film, the soundtrack is entirely dubbed, which was the standard practice with 16-mm production in Thailand. Many of the voice actors who worked on Iron Pussy are veterans from the earlier era and are well-known to Thais. The dubbing allows Iron Pussy's transformation from her male alter ego to her female superhero personality to be even more complete, because a male actor dubbed the man's voice and female actresses dubbed Iron Pussy's voice and sang her songs.)
... I'm not sure whether I would recommend it.
Not sure yet Pips...
Still make mistakes now and then!
"The Adventure of Iron Pussy"
Do you mean 'Cat on a hot tin roof' Modo?
Ha ha ha ha, said the bloke in charge of the comments, that'll put the cat among the pigeons!
Wiki says you could, but maybe you won't Modo!
I reckon I should, but probably I might not...
Lils told me once that gay men have an expert dress sense, so having been wandering around for the best part of today in comfortable fuck me trousers, an old windcheater, a brown rugger shirt and a pair of shoes which are older than one of the daughts (nearly), you see my point...
"Lils told me once that gay men have an expert dress sense."
You see this is my point, the only people to compare are the ones we all know... ie celebrities in some way or other, and they have trainers and fluff boys and all the rest of it.
If I said to you... 'That Mr. Court is a nice chap, a homosexual to boot, but dresses in a very slapdash way.' then you would just have to take my word for it.
By the way... those trousers of yours. I'll bet a shilling that they are green cords.
"By the way... those trousers of yours. I'll bet a shilling that they are green cords."
Might have been a few years ago Modo! Just this week, I mentioned to Mrs S that there was a super-abundance of trousers in the wardrobe, which, by dint of having lost a couple of stone since Gordon Drown ruined the country, and also the luxury account for Scrobs Inc, meant that every single pair there fitted!
Yup, even those which feature in a famous family photograph taken in 1976!
So instead of increasing Tesco's profits by a few pennies by buying their trousers, (such as you describe and always on a wish list), I've started on the pairs I used to wear to work, and it's an eye-opener I can tell you!
In fact, as you asked, I claim my shilling (or at least a photograph of a one-shilling note Mr Mood...), yesterday's were the comfortable slate greys, originally bought to visit MIPIM in Cannes, (business, not pleasure) in 2001, and with turnups pressed out to increase the length of the new litheness!
Like a certain hotel in London, they have the most ballroom in this side of the Cotswolds!
Ha ha ! Your last comment, Scrobs.
Springstein has his moments - I had an anthology of is. Chucked it away. Most of it sounded the same.
I'd avoid one of his concerts. They go on for hours and hours apparently.
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