Peter Brookes' perfect cartoon in 'The Times' today just sums up how we are being stuffed by the banks - again.
It also strikes me that the lights on the stairs look remarkably like those normally seen in the background, when Beeb hacks meekly trot off and crave interviews with shuffling, nervous, inadequate, pompous, inarticulate, unqualified, infuriating politicians.
Nuff said.
Yes it was a hugely disappointing result. A result from the establishment closing ranks.
I long ago came to the conclusion that the purpose of most public hearings / enquiries / investigations into blatant wrongdoings is merely to protect the guilty.
Your last comment on my blog prompted another Photoshop treatment of Gordon Brown's more slippery predecessor - for which I am most grateful.
But sadly, I am sure that this enquiry will go the same way as all the others.
Pips - you sum it up incredibly well; better that I could...!
Like Pips, you've hit the proverbial on the head with - er - the proverbial...
They really are the pits; this 'administration'.
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