I'm an old romantic of course.
Well, I was brought up in an age when respect for one's elders was the norm, and if anyone in public life behaved as badly as our politicians do today, they were frowned on in a serious voice and never seen or heard of again.
So I am pleased to report the honesty of this poor man who genuinely misunderstood the meaning of his ever loving wife, and has placed his hand on his heart and shown chivalry, honesty and bewilderment in his predicament...
Yes I've seen this. I did sympathise. I sobbed on the drive when I sold my last bike.
*whispers* I still don't like to talk about it.
Pips, He is a grand man, and deserves every consolation from good people like you!
To think that there was someone who told him he had misunderstood the situation is - frankly - disturbing to say the least!
Pips, you didn't have to whisper, we could hear you from far over Bill's Mother's!
Dr Lakelander and I were both bikers in our teenage days.
We always promised ourselves another bike when we "got older."
When I was 30, one of my cousins was diagnosed as having MS and I thought - "why wait?" I bought a second-hand 1000 cc BMW the following week and we enjoyed it for a year or so, while we got the bike "thing" out of our system.
I then went down the rocky road to Morgan ownership but if I ever wanted another bike, I think my gut would push me in the direction of a Harley!
Lakes, I was in Maidstone yesterday, and was amazed to see a new 50cc bike - brand new, and like a space ship, for about £1750!
It had a note attached saying it could be driven at the age of 16, but I marvelled at what's happend since we bought a ymaha Passola for £350 in 1982 for Mrs S to continue teaching without those bloody hills getting in the way!
Glad you got it out of your system - always a good thing at the moment, there's a bit too much anger around with the trash we're paying to 'run' the country,
I'd go for decent Triumph. Though having said that (having been a biker throughout my 20s and 30s) I don't think I'd go back at all.
For every person I know who's been killed or seriously injured in a car I know ten on a bike.
(WV = nerds)
Yes as soon as I got pregnant it had to go, for exactly the reasons EK states: one tends to end up dead. As my father says - it doesn't matter who's in the right in an accident, if you're on a bike you come off worse. And we did, both of us.
I just wear the leather gear in bedroom nowadays.
I think you're right Elecs, I rate Triumphs too.
But how much is the armour these days?
Pips; an old chum's wife was very, very pregnant the day she went in to have her son.
That morning, she'd been driving the farm tractor!
I'm afraid the rest of your post has left a boggling sensation in the immediate surroundings...
Scrobs, some women will do anything to hasten a birth. I've even heard of women doing what got them that way in the first place, only more vigorously. They obviously didn't have a tractor. Poor things.
I just telephoned him and he is mad that his number keeps being posted on . He gets like 400 calls a month - and he says he has ME...
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