October 21st, 1972
“Do you, Simeon Chatterley Ricardo O’Blene take The Future Mrs S (wait for it...) to be your lawful wedded wife”?
“I do”! (‘Come on, get on with it...’)
“Do you, The Future Mrs S take this Very Early Middle Aged Idiot to be your lawful wedded husband”?
“I do”!
(‘Thank goodness, I mean, well done, well done...’)
“Good, that’s got that over with then! Off to The Tudor Room for a huge reception”!
And so it was – 36 years ago, in a big church not far from here!
Seems just like yesterday!
Ahhh, WELL DONE Mrs S for saying yes!!! Congratulations to a charming couple :-) May you have many, many more equally happy years!
PS. For those that don't know, Mrs S is a total babe, as well as long suffering ;-)x
Many congratulations to you both......... but I do not think there is room for two idiots on his blogspace thingy!!
PS: Do you know if the RVI position is still available in Scotton P ?
I don't know what to say now. Congrats seems to be the thing but congratulating someone for being lucky in love has always seemed a bit odd to me.
OK - I'm glad you and Mrs S found each other, Scrobs. I'm glad you appreciate each other and cherish the life you share. I wish you happy xx
Oh, and congratulations!
Congratulations to you both!
'Congrats' to you both dear Scrobs, Have a wonderful Anniversary...
Message for Phillipa... After reading your post about PH I now find I can't access your site without invitation...Could you e-mail me with details...if you havn't still got my address Electro has it D.x
Which one is the glass-half-empty one, and which is the completely empty one?
Lils, many thanks! Long suffering - definitely, Babe - certainly!!!
Thanks Blues and Lakes - nice to see you here while we're about to celebrate something or other...
Reevers, - by all means take on the mantle, I would if it fitted...
You'll need a name at Scotton Pinkney though; ask Bunts...
That's nice of you Pips, I agree, why do the congrats - but there again, why not...
I am lucky and that's a fact!
Many thanks Trubes - can't really stop now of course!!!
Funnily enough Iders, I looked at that pic and wondered what it was that was so wrong...
BTW, you can get these 'coupitres' tasting glasses in Vinopolis by Borough Market - price a couple of quid each!
We've broken four and I'll need another lorry load at this rate...
They really are very pleasant to drink from as well!
Trubes - sorry, I will get round to it but need to go out; I logged on, looked at the clock while visiting here, went ARGH! and have to log off. The invite will speed to your inbox as soon as xx
Scrobs - I need a wife :-)
Scrobs: Tks for the advice - but sounder second thoughts, and being a devout, practising coward, have caused me to refrain from even toe dipping! The competition is simply too formidable.
Hey, Scrobs, you gonna email me so's I can invite you onto my blog? Think of the blog name, make it one word with an underscore, dot com. There you go! C'est moi :-) Hope you will.
Congratulations to you and Mrs. Scrobs!
Pips; course I will!
Be there as soon as I can understand the instructions!
Thankyou Hercs - the forehead is healing nicely...
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