Wednesday 31 January 2024

Time table...

This song cropped up in the car the other day, and while it is still a favourite album of mine, I've never really wondered about the lyrics, which now seem to come alive a bit more!

When our parents eventually popped off, we inherited several pieces of furniture, and to this day, we still use the dining table and chairs from my mum and dad's house. I can remember sitting on the chairs when they were at my grandfather's house - The 'White Hart' pub in Campton, near Shefford, and as for the table, my paternal grandfather made it in the nineteen-twenties as his desk for the family firm!

But what amazes me, is that nowadays, I need a cushion to get up to eating level! 

So, back when I was six or seven, I was possibly looking at the table from nearly a foot lower, so would have been eating my egg which would have been on a level with my nose! At Christmas, the whole extended family would sit around it to play 'Brag' - for half-pennies too! I'll have to ask my dear sister if I was ever allowed to have a cushion back then...


A K Haart said...

I wish I had my mum and dad's dining table and chairs, it's good to inherit well made furniture instead of buying modern rubbish.

Scrobs. said...

Funnily enoughAK, when we cleared the house, we also had their extending table, but it was too big for our house, so we got rid of it!

The one above used to be in my office in Canterbury until I left, and I then rebuilt it, reshaped the legs etc., and am rather fond of it nowadays as 1920s art deco isn't really my style now!

WE had a fabulous deal with a local furniture restorer who made a fantastic job of the chairs! He's nearly ninety now...