Sunday 13 May 2012

Thud - the band and the song...

So this is the way that we promote Thud's fabulous band, and if just one more gal/guy forwards all this to her/his chums, Ellery Bop will become a sensation again!

Scrobs has spoken...

(Actually, Elecs started all this, and he has much higher ratings than me, so just let it all happen for Thud through the er -  ether eh...?)

Goferit Thud; send us some more magic tracks that man!


Thud said...

I'm blushing! thanks scrobs I'm enjoying this immensely and when new album etc is ready then perhaps you may enjoy another track or two. I'm on woodwork tomorrow so I shall whistle while I work.

Vinogirl said...

Woodwork? Mad axeman of a different type for the aging rocker now :)

Philipa said...

I had a fabby present yesterday, Scrobs. My sibling sent 12 months internet service. What an utterly fabby gift eh? More details on a blog post as I get my laptop back tommorow and I'm really looking forward to listening to Thud music :)

Thanks Thud. Will be back this way tommorow...

rvi said...


From strummer to strimmer in one easy lesson...

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

You'll be an internet sensation before closing time Thud!

I really do hope that it all works for you, and of course, we look forward to hearing the other tracks!

Are ther Youtube ones all by the same guys?

Thud said...

Scrobs...same guys, band members all family as we are a clannish bunch us Liverpool Irish. I decided to do this as radio 6 repeated a load of my various sessions last year plus books on Liverpool where kind.As I had consigned this part of my life to room 101 I thought why not?

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Vino girl - great to see your name in lights here!

Having envied your lifestyle where you are, I reckon that you may just be able to provide a few tips on how to make my two vines produce more than a paltry bunch of rather unpleasant grapes...

You never know, Thud's hairstyle may just be on the album cover, and you'll presumably get a credit!

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Pips, that is indeed good news, and I hope the transformation across to a new blog works OK.

I'm trying to get another one I do (boring), changed, and it is a nightmare at the moment!

Will be over soonest!

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Reevers, there's a lot of thought gone into that post...


Philipa said...

I'm on! Whoop! And Thud - wow! High energy music.