It’s that time of year again.
About now, someone just has to mention Prunella Scales, and we’re off on a fantasy trip again!
Ever since the lovely lady (Kate) was in ‘Marriage Lines’ all those years ago, when she had a line which went something like this to Richard Briers (George):-
Kate (giggling), “Oh George, when the chambermaid knocked on the door with the tea, you jumped out of my bed, and into the other one...”
...I’ve been hooked!
Fawlty Towers just made matters worse, and the words 'gibbering' and 'wreck' spring to mind every time I see the pic above.
I’m now utterly convinced that all the girls who read this are in fact Prus. Going through the list of all the long suffering visitors, it’s pretty clear to me that Pips definitely is a Pru, because she posted a Pru-Pic some time ago, and she looks like her. Lils always reminds me of Pru, because she manages to be so funny in fewer words than are expected, and she looks like her, Trubes is a well known actress, and therefore probably worked with Pru, and she may well look like her, Hats has all the incisive comment so loved by Sybil (similar looks too, I imagine), Calfy is certainly tipped to be a Pru and there’s plenty of time, Daisers sounded a bit like Pru when we had a chat a few years ago, and the list goes on...
I challenge anyone else on the list to disagree...
My ex would agree :-)
I just love the way she says 'Basil' as if stopping a dumb animal from jumping up you. Excellent.
And the tired but patient way she details the bleedin' obvious v-e-r-y slowly as if talking to a not-very-bright child. Because he hasn't a clue.
Yes, I'm a Pru.
I sincerely hope this is something that makes you feel better Lils!
Pips, you are a Pru - definitely!
Dumb animal (talking to, not a person like you - exactly! Not-very-bright child (person like me - Yup!
Legs (yours)- certainly!
What does it feel like, being a Pru?
It's men, they bring the Pru out in us - I think their mothers encourage them in daft behaviour.
I suppose you're referring to the time that my mother bought me a brown Paisley shirt with huge collar Hats!
I think that was the defining moment...
I reckon Aunts do as well!
I'm definitely a 'Pru' Scrobs, although I don't smoke or wear curlers in my hair at bedtime.
DT nearly always jumps to attention when I adopt my 'Baaasil' tone, except, of course, if he's watching sport on TV, then he suffers from selective deafness!
Oh I think Hatters has it, definitely.
What's it like being a Pru? Answer at my place to protect the guilty..
You do tend to walk on the wild side. Good thing you live so far away from most.
I look out at traffic intersections though. lol
I thought as much Trubes!
I love the books these two are reading, and also Pru is knocking back the Black Magic as well - all vey hedonistic!
These two are famous for not dragging more and more series until everyone is totally bored by them.
It occurs to me Pips, that Hats is always right!
Ergo, she must be a Pru!
It goes with the job, and who better to get to grips with than the Prus on my list!
Mind you, I may have to go several rounds with some of them, they're far to bright for me...
One or two others might give me a few yards start too!
Please, Scrobs, I need detail...?
Paula can be a Pru. But then I can be a right Basil.
I get talked to in that ve-ry slow man-ner during an argument but more often than not it turns out that I was right.
Like the other day - we were out walking on top of a hill "We need to cross a river bridge ..." says she holding the map and heading off in the most unlikely direction.
A clue. For a river bridge there needs to be A RIVER.
"The bridge is MEANT to be here. It says so on the map. Some-one must have move it !"
Of course it was down in the valley where the river was and exactly where I said it would be. It took us an extra half an hour of arguing to get there.
One learns to shut up and let them see through to the end their own mistakes. And NEVER say "I told you so." or demand recognition for being right. That's a recipe for a day of stompiness followed by cold bum treatment for a few nights.
Or alternatively that could just be one mistake Paula made and men make them too.
Pips, it would take about three years to explain, and by then you'd be fast asleep...
Just consider that I'm probably still a schoolboy at heart!
And then think some more...
And think...
Elecs, I thought Mrs Elecs was in charge...?
"Or alternatively that could just be one mistake Paula made and men make them too."
Fuck sakes. I'm glad you two aren't in contact. I can just about handle earhole from one !
She thought the river was on top of the hill because she had the contours on the map all wrong ...
... now I can't get no relief !
So Paula can't read a map, Kev. Teach her! Map reading skills don't arrive with puberty, everyone has to learn.
Scrobs, I do think, I do I do I do!
Therein lies the problem; you assume I think the same as you do.
I think Rousseau may have suffered from the same problem.
No no no. You don't TEACH Paula anything. (That's why there was an argument - woman's default mode ... always assume the guy is wrong.)
Map reading isn't a skill which comes with puberty - but nor does it take a degree in the bleeding obvious (to quote Basil) that rivers flow through valleys and not on top of hills.
Not all women assume the guy is wrong (are you so sure she does?). Some women simply note the evidence.
There is an infinite and glorious variety in women, as I'm glad to say there are in men!
How about Sat Nav Elecs/Pips?
Chum and I navigate everywhere...
by looking at Google first and taking a map...
"Not all women assume the guy is wrong (are you so sure she does?). "
Does it really matter who's right/wrong Pips?
Personally, I couldn't care a monkeys in proper relationships with family and friends, but it's liars and cheats that I can never like, and that includes just about every politician at the moment.
Now if Pru was a politician; well...
Pips; re Rousseau...
Now, you are talking about 'the Latin' here! (Could have been a judge, but didn't have the Latin - P.Cook).
I'm still on the first few lines of Wiki, and may be some time...
Meanwhile have a chuckle it today's post!
Scrobs - I know it's your blog, but we're having a skirmish. Kindly back off.
Philipa - there is no variety in women whatsoever. I've not met one that doesn't like chocolate.
I've not met one that can read a map. Not even the Dorris that does the voice on SatNav. Lead you up a dead-end soon as look at you.
Dorris does SatNav. Now there's a xxxx video title.
(And here are xxx for you. Come back, Pippy !)
"Does it really matter who's right/wrong Pips?"
Well I think it kinda does if the person you are in a relationship with is criticising you in public, Scrobs.
Will read your new post directly :-)
Kev, my sister doesn't like chocolate and as for my ability to read a map, well, I'm sure you can guess :-) Are we having a skirmish? I didn't notice but, as ever, no thank you.
Keys by the door Elecs!
Be my guest but turn off the lights when you've finished please!
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