Last evening, I wanted to see a scene from The Pink Panther, where Peter Sellers, wearing a suit of armour, calls out, 'Follow me men', and collapses as the double doors open, and he is flattened on the floor!
I don't know why I want to see this again, I just want to, so there it is!
So, the DVD set bought on Ebay gets a dust off, and the movie begins - or does it...
Sold a pup! The bloody thing stalls, shakes, changes etc., and the immediate scene I wanted to see for a huge laugh got missed because of a 'jump' and a stall in the playback!
And I still haven't seen what I wanted!
What kind of a candle is this?
Fabulous, AK - thank you so much! I'm seriously considering investing £3.49 on the Amazon Prime site, just to see them all again! (That's two beers from the top shelf in Waitrose, but hellfire, what could be better)?
The vicissitudes of life.
Was Sellers in that fim then...;0)
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