Sunday, 24 August 2008

The Art of Coarse Sport revisited...

Since giving up the dead tree press a few weeks ago, we've found we have loads more time to read other stuff, and we regularly dip into tomes like 'The Times History of London', (which I recommend to everybody - thanks YD; it is a super present)!

I've also rediscovered some reading that I was given years ago, and just this week, have been laughing uncontrollably at one particular book which is still as funny as it was in the sixties.

I used to have a full set of Michael Green’s ‘Coarse’ books, but have finished up with only two. We actually took ‘The Art of Coarse Sailing’ on a Broads holiday years ago, and had great fun following some of the disaster spots...

But the one here is reducing me to gales of laughter again.

I love the story of why the golf club bar runs out of Guinness, and also how two golfers had to abandon their game, because they were both telling each other sad stories about lost dogs, and finished up in floods of tears!

Well recommended to anyone who has tried to play any game, often came last, but enjoyed the experience nontheless...

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Friday, Friday...

So, anyway, there we were, sitting around on the building site, thinking of the weekend just coming up, when Bert strolled into the site hut and mentioned casually that there was a little water coming in and he was going to take the van down to Pugbucket and Sagtrouser, (Plant Hire), for a small pump, just to pull out any spare water which may get in the way over the next few days, and give the place a chance to dry out.

George looked at him through an alcoholic haze and muttered something like 'You do what you want old son; me and Bill are going back round to 'The Bells', for a couple of pints and watch some cricket on the widescreen'.

Well, anyway, the 'couple of pints', turned into a right old session, as the blokes from the tower block came in, and they'd already been celebrating a topping out. Bert eventually got back from the plant hire, (having stopped to buy some fags, The Sun and a six pack of Guinness), and started up the pump.

Well, it was a hot day, and with one thing and another, the site hut was becoming more sultry, so Bert opened another can of Guinness and read the paper for a few minutes, before he dozed off...

There was a slight rumbling coming from the foundations, which seemed to be getting louder, but as everyone was in 'The Bells', and Bert was asleep with the paper over his face, nobody seemed to care. All the crane drivers had gone home early, and someone had taken the site phone off the hook.

It was unclear what actually happened next, but Bert woke up with a start, as the rumbling had turned quite a bit louder, and there was a whooshing noise coming from the founds.

At this point, panic set in, but it was far too late, and all that digging had gone to waste! Bert picked up his mobile, and called his Boss...

George's mobile was on answerphone...

Monday, 11 August 2008

Old joke - new stage...

When I first heard the actual joke, it was funny enough, but this has just reduced me to tears of laughter...

Turn up the sound as usual!

Sunday, 3 August 2008

For cat (and dog) lovers...

One of the benefits of having 'Blogger' tell you that you are suddenly 'Spam', and you can't get on to your own blog, is that after initial panic, you have to start to unravel the problem.

While wondering about this today, I went to my work PC, and somehow got onto all the jokes I get sent from various lunatics and friends...

I thought I'd lost this one, but here it is... Turn up the sound of course!

Update...Blogger apologised profusely; so that's one less problem with Mrs S's PC, which seems to have taken on a life of it's own...