Wednesday, 17 June 2020


The other day, Senora O'Blene and yours truly, vanished from 'The Turrets', for an escape.

We haven't been out to the village for ages now, and we needed some plants for a new growing area, so our local garden centre was the place to go.

As we know everyone there so well, the banter started, and Mrs O'Blene spotted a plant which had an unintelligible name, and one of the chums called it 'Brian's thing', because his wife had grown it, and as they've all been struggling a bit with this Chinese nasty onslaught, we bought it, even though we didn't have a clue what it really was...

It turns out to be one of these...

Lofos® Compact White Lophospermum Plant (Creeping Gloxinia) | Free ... we're well pleased!

Sometimes, a couple of quid spent on a mystery brings huge amounts of goodwill, and a sense of great chums just being there...


A K Haart said...

Ah yes Lophospermum. It highlights one of our big gardening problems. Do we try to be horticultural experts or do we remove the labels and quickly forget what we've planted? It's usually the latter with us.

Thud said...

Small joys make all the difference.

Scrobs. said...

We really are keen on this little chap, Mr H!

It has pride of place on one of those French 'balcony hangers', and we can easily see it all day!

Scrobs. said...

Too right, Thud, and then I remember seeing your Bothy barge-boards taking shape, and felt the same way too!

Philipa said...

It's so pretty! I've been gardening recently and my girl gifted me an RHS membership. Bless, she's so lovely 💗