Friday 24 November 2023

Scrobs' Paso Doble...


I've never been a big fan of ballet.

In my somewhat bewildered mind, watching something about a scenario which was always going to be beyond my comprehension or enjoyment, seemed a bit of a waste of time! When I was much younger, there were more important things to think about, like beer, fags and Annie in Ashford!

But only last evening, watching a DVD of 'The Vicar of Dibley' on the show where Darcy Bussell was the star guest, I realised how much I should have admired such grace, such beauty and such charm when I was swilling pints at the rugby club and telling jokes about men's tights showing a huge bulge which their partners could use as a step to get up into the air!

How many years does it take an ageing old fart to appreciate what gorgeous, skillful dancers can do to one's chromosomes - those that are left that is...


  1. I never really liked ballet but I did enjoy ballet music. Then I saw some ballet to the music I love and that changed my mind.

  2. I remember the Vicar of Dibley episode which was funny, but I'm still no ballet fan. It seems weird to me, as if the dancers are pretending to do what isn't really possible.

  3. Mark,

    I believe you're right, as I'm a bit of a music lover at heart, but couldn't put up with the prancing about!

    It was just watching the Dibley programme, and seeing what a delightful lady Darcy Bussell is, just made me melt...

  4. It isn't really possible, AK!

    Standing on one's big toe is my idea of hell on a G string! I kick enough things around here - with the normal exclamation of, 'Bugger, that hurt', without having to watch people actually doing it for pleasure!

  5. I've always been partial to ballet. Fantastic set design; some of the best music played by great musicians and pretty girls with their legs wide open. What's not to like?

  6. Of course, you're right Tammly!

    There is so much beauty and discernment involved in ballet, it's just that my love of really good music probably cannot take into account the dancing as well!

    A way back, I discovered the whole opera Andrea Chenier, purely from being a bit pissed off by a comment that most people only knew about it from the film 'Philadelphia', and that included me! So I found out and was just blown away!

    Perhaps I should do more of this...
