Wednesday 15 November 2023

Nest feathering...

Scrobs has discovered the way to obviate the food 'crisis'!

Buy a decent chicken!

On Sunday, the bird was well-roasted, and served up as it deserved, and all was as expected, except that I roasted it the wrong way up for a while, but no matter)!

The next day was spent stripping down the meat, getting the bones in the slow cooker for soup and making the casseroles for the freezer. The dog also had two meals from the sort of stuff you'd rather not look at...

So, for the outlay of about £10.50, (it was a Tesco 'Finest' bird, so pricier), we had a hot serving on Sunday, a cold one on Monday, soup yesterday, and now have four casseroles and three soups in the freezer! So that's about a quid a meal!

Now what does that tell you?

It tells me that whenever I buy anything new, the freezers become over-loaded and at some stage, we really should stop buying anything and use up what we already have! Surely home economics should be taught to people who think, (or are told by the BBC), that they're in a 'crisis'?

But do we stop buying? Do we heck...?



  1. We should probably eat up what is already in the freezer, but tomorrow we'll be filling up its remaining nooks and crannies with new stuff. Freezers are like cupboards, if it's there we fill it.

  2. Exactly AK!

    I always thought that a freezer works best when it is filled to the brim, but when I have to put my shoulder to the door and heave in the remnants of the last roast lunch, I begin to wonder...

    I've now got to the stage where I buy butter which is on offer, and freeze that as well!

    Sad, innit...

  3. We freeze butter too, and cheese.

  4. I used to freeze bread as well, but there just isn't the space now, especially after I stuffed in nine bags of gammon yesterday...
