Thursday 30 November 2023

The ice age cometh...


Thanks to all the scaremongers about 'globule worming', we are sitting here, and feeling bloody cold!

Thank goodness the awful BBC are getting it all wrong yet again - do we really need them?


  1. Scrobs - cold here too and forecast to be perishing for a few days at least. We certainly don't need the BBC, can't even chop it up for kindling.

  2. Too damned right, AK!

    It's freezing here this morning as well, and I have to go and have a haircut later...

    Luckily, the young lady who does the deed makes the old corpuscles liven up pretty swiftly, so I'll be just fine a little later on!

  3. Yes, frosty snowy here in the Northernmost reaches of Notts. I'm so glad we've got the much-abused warble gloaming ( and thank you to whoever dreamed that one up ) or it might be even colder . . .

  4. 38 degrees in our conservatory here, The J!

    Much cooler than the ridiculous Cop-out stuff attended by Charlie and the Jets...
