Friday 5 January 2024

Jam today...


Scrobs is in the middle of a new craze...

While gardening takes a bit of a back seat around now, the inventive juices look for alternatives, and bread-making has surfaced as a likely contender. It's rather pleasant knowing that one's daily bread has none of the chemical additives with long scientific names, and the scent is overpowering! It also makes fabulous toast!

But, an alternative use is making marmalade, and that really is a challenge which is well worth exploring! I spotted a tray of Seville oranges in Waitrose the other day, and the old brain cells sort of clicked into place, with a recollection that I had a programme on the machine that made jam, and sure enough, it does the business!

The first batch looked as though it hadn't set, so on advice from the 'net' I gave it another hour, which turned a pleasant orange mess into a solid black mess! The spoon bounced off the top, and although I had to loosen it all and dilute it, I finished up with a very strong, dark brown concoction, which actually tastes quite nice!

So, back to the original recipe, and paying more attention to advice, the second and third batches have proved to be pretty damn good, although I say it myself!

Today's the last day of manufacture. I'll finish up with about eight or nine jars of the orange nectar, which should last until around 2026...


The Jannie said...

Our daughter gave us something to similar effect but looking like a liquidiser with its own heating element and computer. It produced some tasty soup in the first experiment, so marmalade is definitely on its to do list.

A K Haart said...

Homemade toast and homemade marmalade sounds good to me.

Scrobs. said...

It's well worth the effort, TheJ!

Having seen how the machine works, I 'recycled' the black stuff from the first batch in a new lot yesterday, and it all melded pretty well!

We're soup fanatics as well, and I've never thought about making some that way - thanks for the tip!

Scrobs. said...

It certainly does tick several boxes, AK!

Funnily enough, the bread takes on a very 'solid' state, and you can slice it incrediby thinly, rather like that scene in'The Great Escape', where they have to ration the black bread which was doled out to the prisoners...

James Higham said...

Ha ha, the mania does grab a chap ... I had a bread machine, then made my own ... currently the makings are just sitting there. I say hi to them each morning.

Scrobs. said...

I just love seeing the bit of kit in action!

I have a granary loaf boiling away as we speak! I might make some jam soon, but am being vetoed by Senora O'Blene who isn't allowed such a sugary confection these days!

There's now a whole shelf in the pantry, dedicated to strong flour, dried milk etc...