Friday 8 September 2023

Craggy yeah whatever...


The story so far...

Father Ron O'Blene has been sent to Craggy Island by Bishop Brennan with hilarious consequences!

Mrs Doyle has prepared three tons of egg sandwiches with hilarious consequences!

Father Dougal and Father Jack both say 'Feck' at the same time with hilarious consequences!

Scrobs is still in a mild panic because he's forgotten the original plot which was meant to finalise the saga with hilarious consequences!

(To be continued after the break...)


  1. Just allow it to ferment at its own pace. Everything worthwhile has to ferment first, ask Father Jack.

  2. It's working, AK - I have (or had - can't remember) a flash a few hours ago, and keeping the PC on this address is helping me to surmount the huge writer's block which stands between me and insanity - or is it tinctures, God knows...

    I'm off for a bacon sandwich with Senora O'Blene, and may be some time...
