Friday 25 August 2023

Craggy Island threnody - an intermission...

Scrobs is still drafting the exciting denouement to the rather tiresome episodes about the shenanigans on Craggy Island.

The characters of the story are still in a stage of inter-minglement, and while a much more important issue is being raised concerning the disgraceful attempts to silence the brilliant author of the original series, Mr Graham Linehan, any Google search might throw up a connection to this site, (do you really think so - Ed), and I would much rather that he was afforded the proper focus on his plight, which appears to be organised by those who perpetrate the general ability with the caber in The Highland Games!

The eventual story will squeak and bang to a conclusion when the writers' block has been eliminated or whatever it's called...

Senor Conrad Roberto O'Blene.


  1. Mrs Doyle has asked if a gallon or two of good strong tea and a few plates of egg sandwiches would clear the writers' blockage. Plus more tea just in case.

  2. It might be easier for me if you could write the next chapter AK, as I really am struggling at the moment, what with the Common Market, global warming and a general malaise in all things political...
