Friday 30 June 2023

Funky moped...

When Scrobs turned sixteen, his first thoughts were about ditching the Triumph Palm Beach bike and getting engin-ised! His dear sister already used a Lambretta for college, and therefore the only affordable transport available was a moped!

There was one like this available at Styles' Garage in Battle, and it cost £19-0-0, so I bought it - or rather my dad did! The first ride was ecstatic and I must have reached at least 25mph at one stage! I think the insurance was £2 a year, and I grew to love the old thing, even though most of my friends had real motorbikes like a Francis Barnett or a James...

I read recently that mopeds are staging a sort of comeback as nostalgia reaches the minds of many of my generation, and I'd rather like to consider buying one and 'doing it up'...

I say consider, as it won't happen, and I still get the buzz of powered bicycling on my electric bike, which goes nearly as fast as the old Mobylette!


  1. Here's something to aim for -

  2. I have an electric bike. Fabulous device, especially with the hills here.

  3. Wow - that video is just marvellous, AK! Thank you so much for posting the link, I watched every second - and more!

    The sound of it firing up was instantly recognisable!

  4. Yes, they are great aren't they Mark!

    I guess your hills used to be as daunting as our's here in Kent, but all of them are get-uppable now!

    I'm not sure if the moped could have done one particular steep slope though, even with some pedal power - and I didn't have any suspension on my old chap...

  5. What new lunacy is this?

  6. You will forgive the sporadic nature of my communications. Professor Jägerhorn only allows me a few hours lucidity a month. By the time I’ve filled in my football pools coupon, and attended to the paperwork in regards to the grease company it barely leaves time to spit.

  7. Modo! My great and learned friend!

    Lucidity went out after the Deluxe caravan episode, and also after the unpleasantness at The Solent Beach, but the coastguards forgave you! They really did, despite the bowls of whelks you so generously supplied during the hearing!

    I've given up on football coupons! They have never won me a brass farthing, and all my splonders are in Premium Bonds now, and even this month, the return has been - er - bugger all, but I sleep easy, knowing that my money is providing some smug bastard a few paltry shillings to organise his or its tearful existence!

    Please stay in touch as we have to sort out Aunt Griselda's will, and I can't do that when you're knocking around Finland in that ridiculous yacht thing...

  8. d.a.kilvington@gmail.com7 July 2023 at 08:11

    Yacht..? You make it sound so wonderful. It's an old Cornish lugger.

  9. Dr. Kilvingtoon... you will find that Uranus IV is a twin screw trawler yacht with a cruising speed of 12 knots. An Alaskan 66 MkII, out of Jupiter Fllorida. Designed and engineered by prominent naval architect, Stephen Seaton, known worldwide for his trademark trawler-style yachts.

  10. Are you back from your island yet, Lucien?
