Sunday 25 June 2023


Scrobs has been thinking quite a lot about a combination of emotions, feelings etc., of late, and while there's nothing concerning or worrying about the collection of thoughts, it's an intriguing conundrum to write down the facts and try to figure out what the outcome will be!

First, the tragedy of the Oceangate loss was always going to be something to take up a lot of time to understand and accept, but I'm reading a great book by Nevil Shute, (see Scrobs passim), called 'An old captivity', which is all about a flying boat's mission to the unknown in Greenland, and the similarities are extant, such that I know that something's going to happen, but I haven't got there yet! The story is rivetting and I look forward to a proper time to read it and not just dip in for just a few lines here and there!

Why the eternal fight by Peter Boggis who is trying to protect his house in Lowestoft from falling into the sea figures in all this, I don't know, but watching 'Coast' last evening, the subject seemed to reverberate within the context of the book as well!

The current earworm is the latest music by Peter Gabriel, with lyrics which an artist could paint within these parameters, and that adds to the confusion too! 

'I walk with my dog and I whistle with the bird; Stuff coming out and stuff going in', all slots in as well so what's next...?


  1. I haven't read 'An Old Captivity', I'll make a note of it - sounds like a good read.

  2. You wouldn't believe the ending...
