Saturday 24 December 2022

Yoo-hoo-hool-tide Greetings...

There was uproar at the Council meeting of Sodden Prickney Village Conurbation last week, when it was realised that the annual Christmas tree celebrations had been sadly mismanaged, mainly on account of Ron Groat forgetting to order one from the local grocer, (Miss Newt).

A substitute was found, and is in the middle of being transported to the village hall, where delivery is expected some time in Late January!

The Council send what they can, as best felicitations and goodwill, (except Edwina Baggage, who has been 'at it' since Sunday last), to every member of the community, and hope to have the drainage system in the village hall up and running by the New Year

Charlene Faqdefarno

Ms Emily D'Artagnan-Minge

Senator and Senora O'Blene

Quentin ffoxley-Cabbage

Miss Amelia Newt and her partner, (or was until the disaster was uncovered)…

...Ron Groat

Basil Kalashnikov

Sid Trumpet

PC Lumbersnatch

Ms Billery

Willy Clinchton

Edwin A. Loser

Tone 'Dodger' Tossier

Elias Sagtrouser

Gloriette Sagtrouser

Meccano Sagtrouser

Toniatteline Nibbler

Norman Wibble

Edwina Baggage

Dr. Norbert Iodine

Kyoto Kalashnikov.


Dr Mayhap-Cuddler, Count Fruning Graplecard and The Beast are absent - sadly...


  1. Merry Christmas to all in Sodden Prickney and let's hope the tree is ready for Easter.

  2. There's a good chance that it's a definite maybe, AK!

    By then the brussel sprouts will have been boiling for several months, and may just be ready to serve up!

    Happy Christmas to you and all your family!

    ...and thanks for such a full year of your great posts, I can never keep up..;0)
