Saturday 31 December 2022

'Bye 2022, s'been nice knowing ya...


We'll be tucked up nice and warm by 11.00pm, and hopefully won't be woken up by the fireworks...Happy New Year One and All!

h/t Tomo on BBBC...


  1. Happy New Year. We'll be tucked up too - no point waiting for 2023, it's bound to go wrong.

  2. I'd be joining the 2300 set if it wasn't for the memsahib's habit of phoning all the tribes of Israel - or so it seems -at 0001.

  3. Certainly will, AK, so tin hat is ready and waiting by the front door...

  4. The J, aren't such calls cheaper at night?

    I actually woke up by a lowly flickering fire at 1.00am, having watched nothing on the TV, and Senora O'Blene had been in bed for three hours already!
