Tuesday 4 January 2022

Old strings attached...


Hardened rockers out there will instantly recognise the items in the pic...

Well before Scrobs married his favourite Senora, his brother in law and dear sister were helping the proposed couple to save money, and a grateful Scrobs kipped down in their spare room in Essex for several weeks!

B.I.L. worked managing a warehouse for a big musical instrument company, and supplied all sorts of instruments from sopranino recorders to grand pianos! He knew I liked playing my guitar, and one day, turned up with a huge bag of assorted guitar strings, with every conceivable specification, like nylon accoustic, flat-wound electric etc.!

My New Year Resolution is to go into the roof once a week, and remove and chuck one or two items, as the junk up there is piling up again! Amongst all the detritus, is an original Sainsbury's bag, with several sets of strings still in their wrappers! The only set I ever bought, was one 12 string set, because I didn't know what weight to use, or the specification for an Eko, but since 1971, I've never had to buy a string, as all this old stock-clearance still lurks in our attic!

Of course, now the 'Grand Project' is well under way; I think I've rewired the Yamaha correctly, and fitted new kit to the loom. I can get all sorts of sounds through the iRig interface, and the software needs a damned good seeing to, but that will come with practice - I hope...


  1. Red Dragon....who wouldnt be inspired.

  2. Years ago one of the regulars at our local pub made guitar strings. I don't know if it drove him to drink, but we never visited the pub without seeing him in there.

  3. Ha ha, Thud, I hoped you might recognise a few makes there!

    The Darco range was huge, with so many tiny differences in size, but I don't know if they were the best! I well remember buying Cathedral before B.I.L. cleared out the shelves of all the old stock!

  4. I'd say that the quality of your company was a good reason, AK, but I've never seen a string being made, so will look on YouTube now!

  5. Actually Thud, reading more about the difference between flat-wound and round-wound, I always put the former on the electric, but tuned it down to a top 'C'. It seemed to make a pleasant sound, but maybe I should try some round-wound strings now...

    Decisions, decisions...
